Not now!

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As Twilight and Sombra returned from their date they were holding hooves and Twilight had asked Sombra to stay over . Call it an after date.. (yes it went that well don't judge. The  author).*Twilight*,"that was a great date how about another one this Saturday". Sombra nodded his agreement just when spike came rushing out to them just as they were a few feet from the library clutching a letter with a worried expression *Spike*,"Twilight it's urgent you need to reed this".  reading to herself and just mumbling. But by the end gasped in horror.

Sombra was nervous what now so he dared ask *Sombra*,"um Twilly what's wrong". *Twilight*,"Oh night sky the tyrant King Sombra somehow came back to life and hasn't shown up yet oh i have to tell Celestia. Spike take a letter". As she detailed what Cadence had told her and sent the letter off afterwards she tugged
Sombra inside for a late night reading as they snuggled close together Sombra thought what Twilight's true feelings would be when he told her. he sighed in his mind and would cross that bridge when he came to it and they fell asleep in each other's embrace as dawn broke through the library Windows both ponies awoke with a yawn and when they saw the position they where in looked away blushing and after that Sombra got up and went to rent a hotel ...

as Saturday  drew  closer Sombra thought four more dates after this one and then he'd tell her he just hoped nothing got in the way. Sombra went to visit Twilight everyday to talk. provide support. And be a good coltfriend and he could see the trust Twi had for him grow and grow and by the time their next date came around they were calling each other coltfriend and marefriend he couldn't believe he got so lucky to have the mare of his dreams and after this date she started calling him sky which irked him he almost blew everything he worked for right there but he had to gain more trust before he revealed who he was as the weekend drew to a close the following three days nothing special happened. He silently thanked Celestia for the quiet. even though he's had more than two thousand years of it. ponyvill could be quiet loud when it wants to oh well during those three days he kept building trust with Twilight he hoped she'd listen to him when he told her as he cantered over toward the library Twilight suddenly burst outside with a huge grin plastered on her muzzle Sombra wondered what made her so happy so he trotted up and asked her *Sombra*,"hey Twilly whats up why are you so excited". *Twilight*,"oh sky it's great princess Celestia's coming to ponyvill to see me". He froze SHE.

was coming he had to think quick what would he do would she smite him before he could tell Twilight or would she banish him he didn't know but he was about to find out for just the pony they were talking about landed in front of both of them. Sombra was sweating bullets just as he was about to accept his fate *Celestia*," hello Twilight and you must be night sky. Twilight's told me so much about you it's nice to meet you". She leaned down and Nuzzled
Him and stood tall again with a soft smile. He had done it he fooled Celestia. CELESTIA!.

that was to close he bowed before her and let his marefriend and her mentor catch up trotting back into the library he saw the little dragon sprucing things up he thought about his defeat how it all rested on this little dragon he is  honestly a little proud for the drake having shown just how capable he was. he theorized he was just an assistant before and still is now. just what was that sacrifice at the empire for if he never gets to go on adventure's with Twilight and her friend's well tonight when everypony is asleep he'll talk to the drake. As the day turned to night Sombra snuck into spike's room and woke the young drake *Spike*,"huh oh hi night. (yawn) what's up." *Sombra*,"spike do you know your stronger than you think why do you let yourself be pushed around and not go with Twilight when there's trouble." Spike then explained that it was cause he was a baby and Twilight was his mom so he listens to her and then Spike's face turned confused he quickly voiced his concern by asking night sky where this came from as far as Spike knew Twilight never said anything to night about there adventure's so Spike carefully asked *Spike*,"what are you talking about i get left behind how do you know that. just who are you!." Sombra was sweating he had involuntarily unmasked himself he could lie to spike or he could earn his trust... he decided to play the dangerous game and told spike the truth*Sombra*,"(sigh) you got me my name isn't night sky but if i tell you who i am you must trust me OK I've earned that much...right." spike begrudgingly agreed*Sombra*,"ok my real name is...Sombra." spike was now shaking in fear he was about to yell out when he realized that Sombra didn't lie to him and he was dating twilight he nodded satisfied and gave Sombra his blessing for Twilight's hoof because Sombra didn't do anything evil he was actually pretty nice once you got past his scary demeanor and Sombra also promised to teach spike how to fight and this was the first step Sombra took to make friends he did it. he proved all the crystal ponies wrong by getting a friend. He spent that night reading and furthering his relationship with spike he encouraged and listened to him. And spike was happy to finally have another guy friend (besides big mac and discord)and get to know Sombra and when he finally fell asleep it was against his surrogate father figure and Sombra cracked a caring smile toward the drake as he to wrapped his forelegs safely around him and Sombra fell asleep with a smile on his face. will he succeed in marrying Twilight or will the princesses ruin it ... tbc

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