Akita Neru...

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Miku POV...

I can't stop thinking about what happened yesterday. The way len looked so vulnerable and soft as he spoke to me. And what did he mean by he wanted to get something but ended up losing it?

"Miku-Chaaaaaaann!!! " yelled a voice which I assumed was Rin. "geez, Rin you're just four feet away from me" I said slamming my locker shut. "I know, I just miss you! " she says hugging me. I was about to tell her we had second and third period together when Len walked up to us.

"Hey Rin, can I borrow your phone for a minute? " he said staring at me. "why do you need my phone when you have yours " she says folding her arms. He shifted his gaze to her "just give me the damn phone woman " he said annoyed. "OK, give me five yen" she said. He sighed frustrated at his older sister's childish behavior before reaching for his back pocket and giving her the amount she asked for.

"thanks... Here" she says placing the phone on his palm. "Rin Kagamine, to my office, now! " yelled a voice and we turned to see the principal fuming. "what?!  Why?! " "Oh I don't know, does this ring a bell ?" he said raising a piece of paper with the words "the principal's hair is shaped like poop".

It kinda is

"where did you get that, and.... and how do you know if it's mine?! " she yelled. He turned the paper and it was covered with Rin's signatures.

"it could be anyone's.... "

"to my office Now!! " he snapped making her jump a little "yes sir" she ducked her head and scurried towards his office. I was so caught up in laughter that i almost forgot Len was standing next to me.

As soon as our eyes met, I stopped laughing. My heart racing faster. He was staring at me and..... Grinning. "what? " I said as his grin turned into a smirk. "you should smile often, you would look less of a troll if you do" he said which made me glare at him.

"just leave me alone Len, I'm not in the mood for... "

"Lennyyyy!!! " yells an annoyingly high pitched voice. NeruShe ran towards Len, jumping onto his back. Her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs around his waist.

"I miss you Len. Why didn't you call meeee!! " she yelled grinning. Len on the other hand, was struggling to breathe. His face was red and it looked like he was about to fall over.

I couldn't help but laugh. Serves you right you prick. He finally shrugged her off making her pout. "Neru, what the hell... " she cuts him off " ewww, what are you doing standing with her" she says looking at me with a disgusted expression.

Len ignores her and grabs my hand, placing Rin's phone in it. "give this to her and tell her i won't be going home after school". "Oh my God, are you setting up a date for the two of us?! See Haku, I told you he still loved me!" she yells at her side kick who gives her a thumbs up.

"and why would you think I'm taking you out? " Len said as she rolled her eyes. "it's what couples do. And don't worry, I forgive you for not calling me, this date makes up for it " she says batting her fake lashes and twirling her hair with her finger.

Len and I both sweat dropped, but then an annoyed vain popped out of his forehead. "if you ever mention my not existing feelings for you Neru, I swear you'll regret it. Now piss off before i make you! " he yelled and she stared at him shocked. She then turned her gaze at me "it's you isn't, you want to steal him from me! When i get my hands on you!... "  she says as she charges towards me but Len shoves her back.

"I thought i told you to piss off. Or do you want to make me mad. You know what happens when i get mad" he said squeezing her collar making her choke. We were now the center of attention and i was afraid a teacher might come and catch Len strangling a girl.

"L.... Len, that bitch has done something to you. Just let me kill that... " he cuts her off "I will end you if even a single hair of hers is harmed Neru. No one but me, is allowed to hurt her physically or emotionally, got that? "

Yeah, real calming...

"dude let her go, a teacher's coming! " yelled Fukase, one of Len's minions, along with Piko, Oliver and Gumiya.

Len roughly released her making her stumble back and catching her breath. Her mascara was running down her cheeks and her eyes red as she glared at me.

"I'm gonna make your life hell miku.... Just wait and see!" she yells as she stomps past me and shoves me by the shoulder making by books fall over.

"dude she looks like a zombie " chuckles Gumiya punching Len playfully on the shoulder.

I finish picking up my books and head to the library ignoring everyone's gaze on me. 

So.... Tell me what you think about Neru's character. Why did Len defend Miku? Is he changing ?....


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