Final show down...

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Miku POV....

Well, that was unexpected.

So the judges decided that the Vocaloids and the Utauloids to each sing another song so that they can choose the final winner.

The Utauloids went first and they aren't showing any mercy. "we're so dead" I mumbled. "no we're not " said Rin also sounding like she's trying to convince herself.

"guys, what are we going to do? " said Piko walking up to us with his guitar slung over his shoulder.

Len seemed to be in deep thought. Hell, all of us were. Then he snapped his fingers and turned to face me. "Miku, where's your music book? " he said as i furrow my brows in confusion.

"Len, no song in my book is going to stand a chance if that's what you're thinking " i said. "oh I don't think, I know. Because we're gonna give them a performance they're gonna remember for the rest of their boring lives, Rin, take Miku and Luka to the changing room and dress them in something blue, including you" he said as she nodded.

"Piko, get the guys and meet me in the male changing room" he said as Rin started to drag us. "woah woah woah, what is going on? " I ask clearly lost. "you trust me right? Just go dress up and meet here in five " he said walking off.

What is he planning?

Five minutes later....

We finally finished dressing up and i have to say, Rin's got style.

We went out to meet the boys also dressed up. And they looked awesome.

Len met my gaze before his eyes traveled down lingering on my thighs then travelling back up again, slowly. Luka clears her throat making Len snap out of his daze.

"you look beautiful " he commented as i blushed "thanks, you look good too" i say avoiding his gaze.

"you guys just date already " mumbled Piko as Len punched him in the gut making Piko groan.

"OK so, I've picked out a song in here but i want to know if all of us know the lyrics" said Len flipping through the pages of my book. "here it is.. " he said turning the book to face us.

"hibikase? " I said raising a brow. "oh, I know the lyrics, I kind of memorised it before i gave you your book back. They're just so.... Beautiful " said Rin as Luka nodded in agreement. "yeah, me too " she said.

"Len, this song definitely doesn't stand a chance. Why don't you pick one of your songs like, i don't know, fire flower? spice?.." he cuts me off. "We are singing this song and there is nothing you can do about it " he says harshly as i flinch back at his tone.

His face softens and he was about to say something when someone called his name "Len! I have been looking everywhere for you. Have you decided what song you're going to sing this time? " said our music teacher.

"yeah, me, luka, Miku and Rin are gonna sing this time" he said tucking his hands in his pockets. "what!? But you're the lead singer, we can't have four lead singers!" she scolds.

"who said anything about them being lead singers, they're my back up singers " he shrugged. She glances at us for a short while before she shakes her head "no, why don't you come and I'll give you... " he cuts her off.

"you promised that I'll do this my way since I'm the lead singer. And I'm doing this my way and there's no way you can go back at your word. I know what I'm doing " he said as we heard cheering. Which meant the Utauloids were done.

" wow wow, that was the best performance I've seen so far... Let's see if the Vocaloids stand a please put your hands together for , the Vocaloids!! "

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