The audition...

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Miku POV...

It has been a week ever since the incident.

Turns out, Mikou placed a spy camera on my head board to record everything.

He asked me never to hang around Len again. I'm perfectly fine with that, it's actually the easiest punishment you could ever give me.

I can stay away from Len, but can Len stay away from me. Given that he told me his intentions of making me lose my sanity. No wonder he keeps chasing guys away from me.

He wants to cut all sources of happiness i have just so i can become depressed.

How can someone be so evil?

Moving on, the audition for the lead singer is coming up. Turns out that a famous artist is coming to the battle of the bands, to pick out a rising star.

If only for one time Neru would stop threatening the judges to pick her as the lead singer.

I slam my locker shut and make my way to music class. As I get in, I scan the room for my friends when i heard Gumi's voice calling out to me. I grinned and walked towards them.

"hey guys " I said taking a seat next to Ia. "hey " they all said as Rin handed me what seemed to be my music book.

"how did you get that. I've been looking for it since morning " I said. "Len... Duuhhh " she said as i remembered him taking it out of my drawer yesterday.

I didn't know he took it home though.

"oh and by the way, we kind of looked through it a little, hope you don't mind " Rin said grinning nervously as i smiled "it's cool".

"speaking of cool, those lyrics of your new song are awesome. How do you come up with lyrics like that? " Luka said as i laughed.

Soon, Len walked in along with Piko. They seemed to be in a deep conversation because their faces showed seriousness, both their brows furrowed.

As they both took a seat, Len's gaze met mine for a few seconds before he returned his attention to Piko.

Soon, the teacher walked in and the class started.

Time skip.... Two days later....

It was finally the day of the audition. I'm so nervous.  What if my song isn't good enough, what if i get a frog in my throat. Wait, why am i even thinking i have a chance, Of course Neru is going to win.

"hey, you OK? " said Luka squeezing my shoulder. I nodded smiling.

Soon, Neru walked towards us flipping her side pony tail. "hey losers " she said sounding bitchy.

"you talking to us cake face? " spat Luka as Neru smirked "give it up you all know I'm gonna win"

"more like cheat " I mumbled as she glared at me. "listen leek freak... " she gets cut off by a voice "Neru, control yourself " Len said with a warning voice.

"but baby, she started it" she whined placing her palms on Len's chest.

"Len, could you take your good for nothing girl friend else where, I can't stand the sight of her, let alone her voice " shot Luka as Neru fumed 

"listen here cotton candy hair, if you ever call me a cheat again, I will get expelled from this school " Neru snapped as Luka smirked folding her arms "you and what army? ".

"this army " Neru said flinging money in Luka's face.

"guys quit it, the audition is starting soon , you should be practicing" I said as Neru glares "don't tell me what to do nerd! ".

(Len X Miku) Bully to boyfriend (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now