Alone with the devil...

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Miku POV....

Oh my gosh.. Oh my gosh.. Oh my gosh..

I'm so nervous. Like reaaaally nervous. I know I've been to his house many times before but.... Knowing today we're going to be working his.... Room. It makes me feel all giddy inside.

After packing the things i need, i grab my phone and head down the stairs. It's 7:45 and the walk to their house is like a ten minutes walk so, I'm not late.

"bye Oniichan, see at ten! " I yell as he yells an 'OK' from the kitchen.

After ten minutes of walking, the house come to view and my heart suddenly accelerates. Oh God what's happening to me?. It's just work calm down.

As i get to the front door, I knock on the door and play with one of my pig tails as i waited. I knocked on the door again and i heard his voice "I'm coming, sheesh! ".

I start taking deep breaths and counting numbers to calm my heart down. I finally calm down and he opens the door.

My  heart starts to beat fast again, and my breathing irregular. There he stood in all his glory, with his hair lazily packed in a pony tail. He was wearing a black wife beater paired some white shorts and some socks.

"if you're done checking me out you can come in" he said smirking. My face immediately heats up and i look down before squeezing through the little space he left for me to pass through.

"Len, who's at the door! " yelled a voice which i assumed was Rinto.
He came out the kitchen sipping on a glass of water as his eyes landed on me. "oh, hey Miku, what are you doing here, Rin's not home " he said. "she here to see me, we have business " said Len as Rinto narrowed his eyes, looking between Len and i and grinning.

Oh no did he think..... noooo

"no Rinto it's not what you think, we're just gonna work on an assignment we were paired to do " I rushed out as Rinto's grin turned into a smirk. "what did you think i was thinking Miku-Chan? " he said as Len snorted, trying to hold back a laugh. "I.... Well... I... " I didn't know what to say. Even if i did, I'm already too embarrassed to say it.

"well, let's not waste our time now shall we, come on " Len said walking up the stairs and i followed him. "I'll be heading out, have fun... But not too much fun! " yelled Rinto as we reached Len's door. I couldn't help but blush at his words. Len was standing there with an amused expression as he noticed my reaction.

He opened the door for me to go in before he walked in after me, closing the door.

Len's room was surprisingly neat. I thought this place would be filled with mountains of dirty clothes, messy bed or left over food every where. But instead, his bed is neat, not a single piece of clothe on the floor, his table was organised, he also had a flat screen TV the same size as Rin's. There's also a big poster of him and damn he looked hot.

"I hope i did a good job with my room " he said which makes me snap out of my thoughts "huh..?"

"I cleaned my room for you to be more comfortable " he said which makes my eye brows furrow. "I thought you wanted me to be uncomfortable, that's what you said ". "but i also said, you're at my mercy, so i can make you feel comfortable and uncomfortable at my whim " he said proudly smirking.


"now sit" he ordered. I did as told and sat on one of the chairs, placing my bag on the table. He pulled out the chair next to me and sat down. His knee touched mine which makes me jump a little because of the tingles i felt.

He on the other hand, didn't seem affected. He shifted his chair closer leaving only three or four inches between us. He started his laptop and i brought out mine. "alright, let's start this shit" he mumbled under his breath as he wore his glasses. And he looked surprisingly hotter if possible. "but before we start... Where did Rin go? She didn't tell me she was going out" I said as Len sighs. "she's out with Lenka on a camping trip. Lenka thinks she hasn't been spending time with Rin so they won't be back till Sunday ".

Time skip.... Two hours later...

It's been two hours and i have to admit, we did a generous amount of work. I'm actually impressed with Len, I actually thought he would try something. But instead, he concentrated on the work we were doing.

"so let's stop here, I'm tired " he said leaning back in his chair and facing the ceiling. I started packing my things into my bag  before standing up.

"so I'll be going now" I said forcing the words out. I don't know why but i don't really want to leave. The way Len was acting today, so sweet and kind, smiling at me once in a while and sometimes pulling my nose when i mess up. It's making me feel things that i know i will regret feeling for him.

Maybe it's just because he showed me his sweet side today and that's why I'm feeling all mushy inside. Maybe tomorrow everything will go back to normal. I hope.

"Miku... " he said tapping my nose and i snapped out of my thoughts. "huh... ".

"you zoned out, are you OK? " his beautiful blue eyes held worry as he bent down to my height. "yeah... Yeah i am " I said as a strong wind blew through the window making our hair fly wildly.

"it looks like its going to rain " I said as his eyes narrowed "ya think?". Aaaaannnd he's back.

"I have to go, see you tomorrow " I said and rushed out his door. I walked down stairs, to the front door. I opened the door and immediately...


I squealed and jumped back almost falling but two strong arms caught me. "are you sure you can go home like this?" said Len as i stood up straight. "I can't spend the night here either " I said as he smirked.

He pulled me closer by the waist making me gasp and blush. "afraid you won't be able to resist me? Miku-Chan? " he said tracing my bottom lip with his thumb.

My breath hitched when he traced my jaw with his nose and i swear i felt him sniff me. He brought his face up to look at me, his eyes twinkling with an emotion that shook me to the core. Adoration.

I bit my lip out of nervousness when he cupped my jaw. His eyes flickered down to them. My heart was beating  so fast that i almost forgot how to breath by the way way he was staring at my lip.

Then his eyes widened and his gaze met mine, like he just realized something. He abruptly let go of me like I burned him. My heart shattered when i saw him glaring at me with such anger. "get out " he whispered.

Wait, what.

"what... " I said as he snaps. "did i stutter? Get out Miku before i do something that I'll regret! ". I jumped in fear by how he raised his voice. Our first day team working and we're already having a fight. My vision blurred and i blinked several times trying to stop the tears threatening to fall. But unfortunately, they fell, I couldn't stop them.

I picked up my bag and dashed out the door and into the rain. I ran and ran crying my eyes out. I'm angry.

I'm angry that i ever thought he was a nice person.

I'm angry that i gave in to his touch.

I'm angry because of the way he yelled at me for no reason.

But mostly....

I'm angry because of my growing feelings for him...

Soooooo.... Tell me what you think.

Why did Len's mood change so suddenly...

What do you think about Miku falling for him first...

Please vote and comment. Bye bye my lovelies, see you in the next chapter 😘✌......

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