First date..

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Miku POV....




I wake up to the sound of my alarm clock and smacking it off.

Normally i would be fuming and groaning at the rude awakening but i guess things change when you have a boyfriend.

Yes that's right, Len kagamine asked me to be his girlfriend. Technically...

Flash back..

After a heated make out session of over half an hour, we both pulled away breathless and flustered.

What the freaking hell just happened?

Did Len just confess to me or am i fantasizing things.

The dull pain on my lips suddenly becomes evident when he traces it with his thumb. Yup, definitely real.

"what are you thinking about " he says as he puts me down to stand on my feet again. His arms wrap around my waist pulling me close and my hands on his chest feeling his heart beat as he rests his forehead on mine.

"just wondering how we went from arguing with each other to being all cozy with each other in under an hour " I said as he chuckles.

"which reminds me, why were you so mad? " i said as he bites his lower lip and closes his eyes.

And that, ladies and gentlemen was the first time I've ever seen THE Len Kagamine blush. So cute!

"I.... well.... how should i put this.... I was actually planning on telling you how i felt tonight. And that's why i came here all alone and waited for you because i knew you would follow me if you really do care about me. And you do... " he smiles as i blush.

"when you came in, i thought I'd have a heart attack because of the rate my heart was beating. I had to compose myself before i started talking to you... " he pauses as i tilt my head "you still haven't told me why you were mad ".

"patience leek freak I'm coming to that.. "

"leek freak? Really? You're still gonna call me that? "

"just because I'm all cuddly with you doesn't mean i don't get to call you names. I mean, what's the fun in that? "

"fair enough, banana brain"

He rolls his eyes "OK, as i was saying... When you came in i was determined to tell you straight away how i felt about you but then, i started to think about your reaction. Like, would you reject me? I've been a jerk to you all these years so i won't be surprised if you did.. "

"so.. I... I Had an idea to make you confess first. So that I'll have full guarantee that you won't reject me.... That's why i kept repeating that you didn't care about me. So that you can finally tell me you did with three magical words. You did say you cared but when you kept calling me a friend, i got angry...."

"so i knew i just had to man up and tell you but i guess i got a little...... Embarrassed " he finishes as his cheeks turn a bright shade of red.

I'm still taken aback by his words. Especially the fact that he was stuttering. So that's why he was mad. He was insecure and unsure about what i would say about his feelings. Awww...

"it's weird that after that whole make out session, i still want more" he said staring at my lips as my eyes widened.

"no, no way. My lips hurt"

(Len X Miku) Bully to boyfriend (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now