Battle of the bands...

701 37 14

Miku POV...

Today is finally the day we've all been waiting for. The battle of the bands. Which ever school wins will get a prize of thirty thousand Yen. And also the lead singer will be the next big thing.

For the past few days, Len and I had gotten closer. This made everyone at school surprised and shocked to see Len and i getting along like best friends. He really did keep his promise.

"Miku, have you seen my glasses?! " Len said as he walked towards me all dressed up and ready. We were next after the Utauloids. And I have to say, they're doing a really good job.

The red head girl, Teto i think.... Her voice is incredible. And their dance moves... Off the chart. I hope we stand a chance against them.

"Miku! " Len yells snapping me out of my thoughts. "huh... what? ". He rolls his eyes. "I was asking if you've seen my shades ".

"oh... Yeah, it's right here" I said taking the dark glasses out of my bag. "Len! " yelled Rin running towards us with Luka also walking towards us typing on her phone.

"What? " Len said as she punched him on the arm and he let out a groan. "thanks" he muttered. Huh...

"it's our own way of saying good luck" Rin answers my unasked question. Oh..

".... What a spectacular performance. Now for our last contesting school, please put your hands together, from Vocal high, the Vocaloids!!! "

"that's us " said Len as he jogged towards the rest of the band as i yelled his name. He turned to look at me. "Good luck! " I smiled and he smirked, giving me a wink which made my knees wobble.

Soon, they started to play the instruments and Len stood in the middle of the stage with two back up dancers on either side of him.

(A/N play song above...)

The performance was amazing. There were some certain places they did a break dance, sometimes dub stepping. It was amazing. I always knew Len was a good dancer.

When they finished, the crowd were cheering and clapping as Len and the others made their way back stage. Soon, I felt a tap on my shoulder and i turned to see Teto... I think..

"your band's performance was awesome. Really impressive " she smiled brightly at me as i smiled back. "yeah, thanks. Your performance was amazing too" I said.

"thank you... And especially your lead singer. He's cute, talented and... Perfect " she blushes. Something in me snaps and i try to control myself from cutting off those pathetic excuse of pigtails.

"yeah he is" I manage to say. "do you think you could hook me up with... " I cut her off. "OK sugar, back off. Len is off limits, plus, how can you think of dating someone from your rival school? " I almost yelled.

"are you his girlfriend or something " she says as I hesitated before shaking my head no. "then why are being so possessive over him. You're certainly not his type " she rolls her eyes.

"you're not his type either rubber ducky voice. So accept the fact that you're never going to have him because i will make sure you are always fifty kilometers from him since I've learned you want to get your dirty hands on him. Now take your attitude and your pathetic excuse of pigtails, and get out before things get ugly! " wow, did i just say that.

She stares at me with wide eyes. Shock evident in her eyes before she rolls her eyes and walks back to her group muttering a 'loser'. 

Soon, I feel arms being wrapped around my waist and my back hits a hard chest. "that was the sexiest thing I've ever seen " Len says resting his head on my shoulder.

I feel my cheeks redden. "how much did you hear?" I whispered as his lips find my neck "all of it baby, all of it" he whispered as i flush deeper in embarrassment. Now he's gonna know i have feelings for him. Great.

"Now tell me ... Why were you acting like a possessive girlfriend over me. Could someone be developing a crush on me? " he says teasingly as i try to wiggle out of his grip but he holds me tighter.

"no I don't have a crush on you " I said as he chuckles. "admit it Miku... You're falling for me, and you're falling hard".

This is so embarrassing... This can't possibly get any worse.

I feel a gaze on me and I look up to meet Neru's glare. I take it back, it just got worse.

She and Len seemed to have a short staring contest before she stumps away and Len huffed.

It was time for the announcement of the results and the third and first place were already announced. Could it be that we didn't even make it to third? Oh God...

"... And now the moment we've all been waiting for... The winner of this year's battle of the band......"

Everyone keeps quiet. Waiting for the result. My heart thumps but Len holds my hand, squeezing to comfort me. But shouldn't i be the one doing it to him? Since, he's the one that performed?

"... The winner of this year's battle of the bands is... "


"...a tie between the Utauloids and the Vocaloids!!! "

Holy Cow!!

Didn't expect that huh 😜

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