The unexpected.....

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Miku POV....

"Bye guys! " I yell at my friends and sit at the bench out side the school gates. Mikou said he was coming to pick me up cause we were going out.

As I continue to play games on my phone, it is suddenly snatched from my hands. "hey what.. " I yell but Neru cuts me off  "of all the new cool games out there you choose candy crush? What a grandma" which makes Haku snicker "she's even lamer than my grandma" Haku says smirking.

"can i have my phone back please? " I said making them both cackle. "you think you can get out of this with your innocent act leak freak? " says Neru. "I don't remember doing anything wrong to you, give me my phone back " I try to reach for it but she flings it behind her and onto the road. I watch in horror as a car runs over it, crushing it into pieces.

"oops " she said smirking as Haku laughs. I was so angry that i didn't know when my hand hit Neru's face. Haku's laughs die down as Neru turns her face glaring at me. "you bitch! " she grabs my hair and slams my head on the nearest wall repeatedly.

I start to scream for help and some of the students rush towards us. She proceeds to punch my jaw making me bite down on my tongue, hard. Blood gushes down my mouth and nose and i begin to see black dots as she strangles me.

As I'm about to pass out, Kaito pulls her off me, shouting some things at her that I couldn't really understand. I collapse to the ground and Kaito holds me in his arms as he lightly shakes me. He is talking to me but i can't hear him.

Soon, I feel my self being picked up and i begin to hear again, but i can't say anything. As I'm placed on what i think is the back seat, i see Len.

He was standing there with his hands in his pockets and his mouth set on a straight line. His eyes held... Nothing. His emotions were masked and his body language was relaxed. I don't know why but i really wanted to see any reaction from him. But he was neutral.

Kaito held me in his arms while Mikou took the wheel. I was trying hard not to, but i couldn't resist. Those piercing blue eyes were the only thing i could see in my head, as darkness consumed me.

Time skip.....

I woke up in my bed, wincing at the pain that shot in my jaw. My tongue hurts, my head hurts, my knee hurts, even my eyes hurt.

There's a knock on the door and Rin, Luka, gumi and Ia rush in. "oh my god miku, you're awake! " Gumi yells sitting by my left. "tell me something i don't know" I said rolling my eyes.

"I'm soooooo going to kill that.... " luka says as i cut her off "no need, i don't want you to get in trouble because of me " I said as Rin cups my cheek caressing it with her thumb, while Ia holds my right hand also caressing it. "if she messes with you, she messes with all of us" says Ia.  "yeah, we're going to beat her to a pulp, just wait and see" Rin adds but i shake my head.

"you could get expelled " I said as Gumi shrugs "good, i hate school". I couldn't help but giggle. I am so lucky to have them as friends. I can't imagine life without them.

There's another knock and Kaito walks in,  along with Kyo, Mikou and i think the other is called Vy2. Rin gets up for kaito to sit. "how are you feeling " he says as i notice everyone leaving the room. Except for Mikou. "I'm fine thank you Kaito-kun" I said smiling softly.

"so... Ummm " he wants to say something but he keeps glancing at mikou who is giving him death glares. I shoot Mikou a warning look but he still stands his ground. "Mikou.... " he cuts me off "I ain't leaving my only baby sister alone with some teenage boy " he says strictly. Damn his brotherly protectiveness.

"common Oniichan, please " I said giving the goo goo eyes.  He sighs in defeat and walks out after giving kaito the stink eye. "I'll be right out side, you have three minutes ".

Kaito stares at him as he closes the door a little terrified but then turns his blue gaze to me. "sorry about my brother, he's also nineteen but tends to act older around.... High school guys" I said as Kaito gives me a boyish grin. Cute.

"it's no big deal, he does a good job taking care of you " Kaito said as i giggle. There was a short awkward silence before he spoke "do you want me to rough her up for you, because even if you say no I'm still gonna do it, I just want to know if you'll want me to"

"no Kaito-kun,  I don't want you get in trouble on your final year of high school because of me..." he cuts me off my pulling me to him, his head buried in the crook of my neck. I could feel his warm breath fanning my neck causing me to blush.

"I would do anything for you Miku. I care about you..... I like you, I really do " he said cutting me off guard.



So, what do you think about This chapter.... I know there isn't much  Len in this chapter but i promise next chapter they'll be a lot of Len drama.

So bye bye my lovelies 😘.....don't forget to vote and comment ✌....

(Len X Miku) Bully to boyfriend (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now