Possessive much?

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Long chapter ahead....

Miku POV...

"..Len Kagamine..!"

Everyone starts clapping and cheering. "congrats bro" Piko said punched him on the shoulder.

Instead of seeing a smirk or a grin on his face, he was frowning.

What the...?

"come along Len, there are a few things i need to show you. As for the rest of you, you can leave" said our music teacher as Len followed her tucking his hands in his pockets.

"OK, weird much. like, Who wouldn't be happy about winning an audition " said Luka as Rin shrugged sipping her juice box. " I know, weird right " she said as Luka and i stared at her like she was crazy.

"what is wrong with you today" I said as Luka butts in "and why do you keep repeating those words?".

Rin shrugged again "I know, weird right? ".

An annoyed vein popped out of Luka's head while i sweat dropped. Before Rin could process, Luka snatched the juice box out of her hand, squishing it and throwing it in the bin.

Rin narrowed her eyes at Luka, "why are you being so cranky today? ".

"I know, weird right? " said Luka as I laughed, hard. I love these two.

Soon, my laughter died down as the queen of bitches approached us along with her minion.

"hey losers" said Neru as Luka threw her head back groaning. "why are you such a tail " Luka groaned as Neru furrows her brows. "excuse me? ". "yeah, what do you mean by tail? " Haku says popping her gum.

Luka smirked. She's in bitch mode.

"well for one you like to follow us around everywhere we go and i mean everywhere ".

"I do not" Neru scoffed. "Uh yeah you do " said luka gesturing to her her right now. Neru huffed folding her arms.

"and two, she uses way too much perfume which explains that she smells like a butt " smirked Rin as people around us laughed. I also noticed Haku trying to bite back her laughter.

"and what annoys me the most is the way she keeps calling people losers when she's a loser herself " said Luka we heard 'ooooos ' and snickers around us.

"you're gonna regret this, all of you! " she snarls stomping away.

"later loser! " yelled Rin as we giggled.

After packing all our stuff, we headed out. "hey, wanna grab an ice cream before we head home? " said Luka starting the car.

"sure, I'll just text my brother " I said.

Time skip.... (next day).....

"No. "

"oh common, please. I promise to be back early before dinner "

"of course you'll be early, because you're not going "

Here i am trying to convince Mikou to let me go hang out with Kaito. But my brother is so stubborn.

"Look, I'm sorry i took her out last week without you knowing but i promise it won't happen again and I'll bring her back as early as possible " Kaito pleads as Mikou glares at him.

"piss off dude! "

"Mikou! "

"I'm gonna say this one last time, No you're not going anywhere with Kaito "

(Len X Miku) Bully to boyfriend (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now