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Miku POV...

I watch as Rin goes out my room to get some juice.

Soon, my mind drifts back to the hooded guy i saw across the street earlier. Who was he? And the way he dragged his thumb across his neck? Didn't that mean to kill someone?

Suddenly, it became breezy in the room and i stood up to close the window. As i was about to close the window, I saw the same hooded guy standing right across the street in the bushes.

My breath hitched as i felt myself go pale. Who is this dude and why is he following me?

He just stands there, not moving a muscle. I back away from the window closing it and drawing the curtains. I sit on my bed huffing as i run my hand through my hair.

Who would want to stalk little ole boring me?

Some minutes later, Rin comes in. She looked like she was about to burst into tears anytime. "Rin-Chan.... Are you OK? ".

She shook her head before grabbing her bag. "I'm fine.... I have to go. See you tomorrow at school " she said walking out.

I followed her. She rushes down the stairs with me right behind her. "Rin... Rin i know you're not OK, what's wrong? ".

She reaches the front door before turning to me. "I told you I'm fine... !" she yells as Mikou walks into the living room from the kitchen.

She glances at him with some kind of emotion in her eyes which looked like.... Hurt. And he gives her a confused glance.

She dashes out the door slamming it behind her. He huffs running a hand through his hair before he slumped himself on the couch.

Am i missing something?

"Onii-Chan... What happened between you and Rin-Chan? "

He sighs deeply "I don't.... i don't know. She just asked me about my relationship status and interests and i told her then she just... ran upstairs " Ooohhhh.

"have you done your homework? " he said and i nodded.

"good, go to bed now, it's a school night" he said getting off the couch and walking to the kitchen.

I sighed and walked back to my room, only to see my window open and a note on my bed.

My heart starts to beat fast. Had the stalker got into my room while i was out?

I pick the note up with shaky hands, unfolding it.

"Do as i say,

Or your loved ones will pay ,

Stay away from what's mine,

Or you'll loose everything in a little time.. "

Goosebumps started to rise all over my skin. My breathing uneven and my heart hammering in my chest.

What the hell is happening?

Next day...

It's finally a Friday and we're currently having music class. I glance over to where Len's seat is but he's not there. I wonder why? Wait, why do I care, this means free bully day.

But Rin's not in school either-

The bell rung, signalling the end of the class and everyone scurries out.

After shoving my books in the locker, I tell Luka, Ia and Gumi I'm going to the bathroom and I'll meet them at the cafeteria.

"I'm coming with you, but I'll wait out side, there's somebody I'm avoiding "whispers Luka as we walk to the bathroom. She leans against the wall texting as i walk inside.

(Len X Miku) Bully to boyfriend (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now