Chapter One-Get To Know Us

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"Mr. Tomlinson?"


"It's your wife... She's been in a car accident and is at the hospital now."

I drove to the hospital as fast as I could.. She's only eighteen. We got married when we discovered she was pregnant. I got there and raced inside.

"Uh, Eleanor Tomlinson. I'm her husband."

"Yes, she's in room 24 down the hall to your left."

I didn't even have time to say thank you before running down the corridor and bursting through the door.

"El!" I shouted, running to her bed. She was only just conscious.

"Louis." She choked out. "I love you so much." She barely whispered.

"No, no, no, don't say goodbye yet! You're strong! You need to be strong for Tommy!" I shouted the last bit. "Please don't leave me!" I whispered. "I love you."

The line went dead.

"No!" I shouted, extending the 'o'. "I love you!" I shouted. "I love you! I love you! I love you!" I shouted as I was dragged from the room in a river of tears.

"Dad?" A small hand waves in my face.

"Hm? What? Oh," I sigh. "Hey, Tommy." I mumble.

"What's wrong?" He asks.

"Nothing, I'm fine." I mumble.

"Ooookay." He says, unsure. He stands up and washes up his plate.

Flashbacks always happen after a date with someone new. Sometimes in nightmares, sometimes at breakfast when I'm sipping my tea while staring blankly at Eleanor's empty seat.

The doorbell rang and I open the door to Zayn, Tommy's home tutor.

"Hey, Zayn." I smile.

"Hey, Tommo!"

Me and Zayn were good friends going way back. When we left school, he became a private tutor, for filling the dream of being a teacher. Tommy was special. He was smarter than usual kids his age so he didn't go to public school, he got tutored. Also, if he did go to public school, he'd probably get asked for my autograph aaaaall the time.

"Zaaaayyyynnnn!" Tommy shouts, running up to Zayn and hugging him.

"He-hey, buddy!" He chuckles. "Ready to get started on your math?"

"Yeah." He nods , grinning.

"Okay, little guy! Go sit down!" Zayn ruffles his hair and Tommy runs off. "How'd you like your date with Perrie last night?" He wiggles his eyebrows.

"We like each other but nothing happened like, there wasn't a spark in the goodbye kiss." I sigh. "We just don't see each other in that way... But I gave her your number and told her how you were interested, she was very flattered."

"Cool, thanks mate!" He says, joy clear in his voice, but not so clear on his face.

"Uncle Zayn! Get in here now, I'm bored of watching Scooby Doo!" Tommy came in, pouting.

"C'mon then, little guy!" Zayn laughs. "See you later, Louis."

"Bye, Zayn! Good luck!"

"Bye, Dad!"

"Bye, Tommy!" I shout as the door shuts between us.


"Zayn?" I answer the phone.

"Louis! Louis! It's Tommy!" He says, panting.

"Woah, woah, woah, slow down. What. Happened?"

"He ran off when we were doing Science! He ran out of the house and into the streets! I've looked everywhere but I-"

"Woah, woah, woah, woah, woaw! Woaw! You mean you've lost him?!" No answer. "You idiot, Zayn!"

"I'm sorry! I-I'll stay here incase he comes back! You go out and look for him!"

"Where abouts did he go?"

"I don't know, somewhere near the house but I don't know where.."

"Oh well thank you so much for the help, Malik!" I say sarcastically , hanging up. "Coach, I'm really sorry but I have to go, my son's gone missing!"

"Okay, see ya." Paul, my coach, says before I run out of the gym and to my car, starting it up.

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