Chapter Five-Football Match And... Sex?

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***Louis' POV***

"Hey Harry." I smile.

"Hey, Louis."

"Wanna come to my football match this weekend? Liam's looking after Tommy."

"Yeah, I'd love that. You got a ticket for me?"

"Yeah. I'll see you at Wembley Stadium this Saturday! Be there!"

"Bye!" He hangs up.


It's ten in the morning.

"Thanks, Daddy." Tommy says as he brings his plate through to the kitchen. The door bell rings.

"That'll be Liam." I say as I get up to answer it.

"Hey, Louis!" Liam smiles.

"Leeyyyuuuuummmmm!" Tommy runs to the door.

"Heyyyyy Tommyyyyy!" Liam laughs.

"Right, I better go.. See ya!"

"Bye, Louis."

"Bye Daddy, good luck!"

"Thanks, bye little guy." I kiss his cheek and rush out the door with my gym bag on back.


***Harry's POV***

I get off the underground and walk toward Wembley... It's so big! Holy shit! I'm proud of Louis.

There are so many people there that I go to the nearest security guard and show him my VIP pass.

"Come this way, sir." He took me to where I had to go. The seats were practically on the pitch!

Just before the game starts, Louis comes over to me.

"Hey, babe-Ha-Harry." Louis says, blushing.

"Don't correct it, I like it." I smile.

"Tomlinson! Over here now!" His coach shouts.

"Alright, Paul!" Louis looks back to me. "Gotta go."

"Good luck, babe." I whisper before kissing him on the cheek before be runs off.

"Are you Harry?" The woman next to me asks.

"Yeah, why?" I ask her.

"I'm Jay, Louis' mum. Louis told me about you. He came out as bi to me last week and since he met you, he's talked nonstop about you!" She says.


"Yep.. He likes to block people out. He wants to move on, but every time he tries, he remembers Eleanor and can't... Don't give up on him, Harry."

"Tommy said the same thing.. Don't worry. I'm stubborn enough to get him to move on." I smile to her as she smiles back.


The game was great! I didn't really understand it, but Jay explained. The game's been over for about an hour now but Jay and I have just been talking.

"Hey, Harry! Hey mum!" Louis shouts as he runs toward us.

"Hey, sweetheart! Listen, I have to go. I'm sorry." Jay apologises.

"Na, it's okay, mum." Louis smiles. "Love you, bye!"

"Bye, Boobear!" Jay waved as she walked away.

"Don't call me that!" Louis shouts to her.

"Bye Boobear!" I mimic his mum making him laugh.

"Shut up!" He says, playfully hitting my arm.

"So uh, listen uuh.. Do-do you wanna um.. Do you wanna see a movie tomorrow?" I ask, biting my lip.

"Harry Styles are you asking me on a date?!" He smirks, liking this.

"Look, Louis I'll admit it. I love you. I always have and I understand you like to block people out but trust me, I will not let you block me out! I will stop at nothing to get past your walls and into your heart!" I step closer so our noses are just touching. "Just please let me in." I whisper.

Before I know it, he grabs my face and kisses me. He moves his lips to mine and I move back. We're like that for about two minutes before he pulls back. He stare at me wide eyed before dragging me to his car and we drive back to his place.

When we get in, Louis pushes me against the wall and starts kissing me and biting me down the neck. He takes my hand and drags me up the stairs to his room.

Louis pins me to the bed and starts to unbutton my checkered shirt before throwing it to the floor. I pull his football shirt off and toss it to the ground. He unbuttons my skinny jeans as I pull down his shorts. Louis squeezes my ass and I squeal.

"El." He groans into my neck.

"What?" I push him away and his eyes widen when he realises what he said.

"I-I'm sorry I was just-"

"It's okay. I understand." I whisper. "Do you still wanna-"

"No." He mumbles. "N-no, sorry I just.."

"Louis," I take his face in my hands so he's looking at me. "It's fine. But I'm staying tonight whether you like it of not."

"Okay." He sighs, collapsing onto me. I start to feel wet around my chest and look down to find Louis silently crying on my chest.

"Hey, hey come here." I say, pulling him closer to my body.

"I miss her so much." He cries.

"I know, I know, baby." I coo, stroking his hair.

"H-Harry?" He chokes.

"Yeah, Lou?"

"Be my boyfriend?" He asks.

I take a moment to think about it.

"Of course, Boobear.. Of course." I whisper, kissing his head before just holding him in my arms until we fall asleep.

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