Part 1

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Jennie's P.O.V.

"Aaaaaarrrrggggh!" Lisa groaned as she threw herself on top of our big, fluffy bed. "I'm so tired. And it's so hot outside! Jeez!"

"All of my muscles hurt. Even the ones I didn't know I had", I approved, and chuckled. 

"At least I hope our comeback will be worth all of this effort", she sighed, and looked up at me. I was sitting next to her, holding our TV's remote control, preparing to turn the TV on.

"If we would've arrived just two minutes later, we would've missed the start of General and I."

"Oh, and how tragic that would've been."

General and I was a Chinese drama that Lisa and I loved watching in our spare time. Lisa would cry every single time she saw something sad and she'd cover her eyes every time two people kissed - just like a cute little 4 year old. That's why I have way more fun when I watch dramas with Lisa than when I do it with Jisoo or Rosé, because her reactions make me laugh.

Right when the theme song of General and I was playing, Jisoo unnie rushed into our bedroom. What she was wearing now was different from what she wore at dance practice, and she seemed to have spent a lot of time on her make-up, when really, she just took 5 quick minutes since we got home.

"I'm going out, girls. If you get hungry, go eat out - I've hidden the key to our dorm in the plants out front, so you can take them and lock the door when and if you leave. If not, you can just call for delivery."

She hurriedly turned around and prepared to open the door and leave, when Lisa stopped her.

"Jisoo unnie, where are you going?" Lisa asked, widening her eyes at Jisoo.

"Bangtan's dorm", she replied. "Rosé is also coming with me. Jin and Jimin called us both."

"I wanna go, too!" Lisa exclaimed, jumping out of our bed excitedly. "Please, can I go with you?" she looked deep into Jisoo unnie's eyes, as if she were begging for something. "I promised Jungkook I was gonna go back to their dorm soon so I can beat him on the last video game we were playing. I really have to. It is a NECESSITY. Please, unnie!"

I clenched my teeth, producing a soft screeching sound, and rolled my eyes subtly. If Lisa wants to go, I have to go as well - I can't just stay here by myself. Which again, means I have to see Kim Taehyung. Ugh, ugh and ugh again. That fucking Kim Taehyung. 

"Okay", Jisoo unnie sighed. "You can come with us, Lisa. But you won't let Jennie here by herself, right?" Jisoo unnie stated, and they both turned their heads looking at me insistingly. 

I shrugged and sighed.

"I assume she can't", I answered, getting up from my bed and slowly walking towards my closet. "I'll put something on and we can go."

"Great, Rosé and I will be waiting for you two on the hallway. Don't take longer than 5 minutes, cause we'll leave without you", Jisoo unnie warned us, and rushed out of the room.

Should I wear something fancy, or something comfy? Or both? I don't know. After all, it's just my friends. I don't need to get all pretty for them. Especially for Kim Taehyung, who is probably going to think I got dressed beautifully to impress him. You see, he has a lot of fangirls, so he probably thinks he got me smitten as well. But, nope. Not even close.

"I'm pretty sure this will do", I decided whispering, pulling an outfit out of my closet. I sighed as I was putting it on. 

When I was done dressing, I kept turning round and round in front of the mirror

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When I was done dressing, I kept turning round and round in front of the mirror.

Is this okay?

Is the shirt too loose?

Does my waist look too big?

Are the leggings too tight?

I frowned at myself in the mirror. Since when do I look in the mirror and feel nervous about what I'm wearing?

Breathe, Jennie. Breathe, just...breathe. It's only Bangtan's dorm. No need to look fancy at all. 

I sighed and looked in the mirror, faking a confident smile. It's fine. But what if Kim Taehyung doesn't like it?...

Then I realized what I've just thought of. 

What the fuck Jennie?!


Hewwo readers! Hope you're having a great day. I have to go to sleep quite soon but thankfully I have time to write a second chapter for both stories. Hope you like this so far!~~

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