Chapter 24

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"I think this position is for when he climbs higher," Fishlegs said. He was holding up Toothless' tail under one arm with the page of Hiccup's notes in his other hand.

"So that is position... three," Ivar answered. He turned the pedal, hanging on to Toothless' side a bit more. "How about now? I think this is supposed to be number four."

Toothless grunted next to him and leaned forward, trying to get up. Ivar took a step closer to the dragon's head. He reached out with his hand. Toothless jolted back when his fingers met scale, but calmed down almost as quickly. The little terror Sharpshot had laid right in front of the black dragon and was now chirping at him. The little dragon was able to calm his much larger big brother. Hiccup had told Ivar about the family ties between the mismatched pair. Toothless settled down, but turned to look at Ivar as soon as the boy returned to crouching next to the saddle. Ivar slowly met the dragon's gaze with a smile. He saw Shortclaw raise her head out of the corner of his vision. Ivar wasn't sure if she was staring at him or Toothless. He focused back on the pedal.

"I think you're right," Fishlegs said. "That looks like number four... left turn." Ivar committed the pedal's position into memory. There were only two left.

"It's hard to believe how smoothly Hiccup flies with him using just this," Ivar said. "How did he even come up with this?"

"He has always been sort of an inventor, especially since he started apprenticing at the forge. Though I remember him tinkering with pieces of wood even before that, and drawing." Fishlegs looked at the paper in his hand with every fin position drawn to the smallest detail. "Always drawing. It wasn't one or two times the Chief had to organize a search party just to find Hiccup in the forest, drawing something and not realizing the time. I think that was part of the reason he had Hiccup apprentice in the forge so young."

"My dad wouldn't have dared. He just had me helping mom with her healer work," Ivar answered.

"So you ran off to talk about us behind our back?" A deep voice boomed behind them.

Ivar turned to face his parents. The dragons hadn't raised alert for their arrival, but Whiplash hung from a tree looming over them as Hookfang stepped closer, keeping a close eye on the two Vikings. Dad held his arm around mom as they walked closer. She looked at Hookfang with worry and an unusual tint of fear. Normal for someone in that situation who hadn't ridden on the back of a dragon. Ivar left his crouched position next to Toothless and walked to meet them, right next to Shortclaw. His mother barely looked at him, focusing on what was behind her. Whiplash had dropped on the ground next to Hookfang.

"Are they...?" mom started.

"Mom," Ivar said. "Don't worry about them."

"Son, I have treated people who faced dragons, and watched them die before you were even born, your brother's injury being the most recent. I'm not completely sure what is going on with them, but you never turn your back to a dragon." She detached herself from under dad's arm and stepped closer to grab Ivar's. Shortclaw bounced forward, hissing at her. Mom jolted backwards. Dad too tensed at Shortclaw's sudden hostility. The rest of the dragons observed carefully, but then Ivar's mom pulled out a long knife from under her clothes. Hiccup's entire flock, except Toothless, were immediately up and ready for a fight. Shortclaw's head remained between Ivar and his parents.

"See!" mom said. "Even if they seem calm for a moment you never know. Dragons always goes for the kill, eventually."

Ivar sighed.

"This must be how Hiccup felt every day. They aren't evil, we would already be dead if they were. They can be dangerous, but they have reasons just like humans."

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