Chapter 1

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Y/n POV:

I stretch as I wake up. I don't have a normal bed like most, I swing from an aerial silk. I use to be a contortionist in my old life. Then I became insane during a scientific experiment. I ended up growing wings during this after they added bones to my back and injected me with shit I don't know to this day.

So I stretch and look outside. I don't have a proper window either, it's just a large square hole in the wall leading out with columns to hold the ceiling up. I'm quite peculiar, so what?

I get up and look in the mirror. My wings look smooth, so I'm happy. They re her black with feathers, I love them. I make sure my machete is still there and make my way downstairs. I'm always up earlier than everyone, it's just me.

I go down, passing Jane's room, eyeless Jack's room and Ben's room before reaching the stairs. I go down and eat something. I begin to wash and out everything away when I hear something behind me. I then to see Slenderman standing there.
'Hello.' He says, his voice is naturally creepy.

'Hi.' I say, with a small smile and closing the cupboard.

'Seeing as you have already awoken, I suppose I'll give you your target. A girl called Lauren Spencer. Aged 29. Here's the details.' He tells me, handing me a sheet of paper.

I nod and walk off to my room. I get changed into my usual fully black outfit.

 I get changed into my usual fully black outfit

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(With black jeans and knee high black boots)

I tie my hair in a high ponytail. And set off out my window. I let myself fall and just before I hit the ground, I spread out my wings and fly off.

I arrive to the destination by the time it's 6am. Most people aren't awake because they're lasy, so this will be fine. I never get caught, and don't intend to.

Since this house is a little separated from the rest and literally nobody is around, I decide to make my presence known. I hit the glass on the back door, causing it to smash everywhere. I hear someone gasp from a different room. My shoes cause a small sound that this person can hear.

'Hello, who's there?' The girl asks, walking into the room I'm in. 'Do I know you? What do you want?'

I decide to say nothing, but bring out my machete. The girls eyes widen. 'What's wrong, Lauren? Don't like what you see?'

She stumbles backwards. 'H-how do you know m-my name? What do you want?'

'Nothing much. Just your life.' I say as I lunge to her and slice of her arm.

She screams, very loudly. 'No, please no!'

I decide to end her pain and slice off her head. Finally, she stops screaming. I smile, satisfied. And make my way out. I'm happy that not one bit of blood got onto me.

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