Chapter 8

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Y/n POV:

I woke up with a thud to the floor. What the hell did that dream mean? I replay it all over, it felt too real to be a dream. I look outside, the blood rain doesn't look much closer, but I think it is. Today we're leaving.

I pack everything up, which is basically just my silks and a few other bits. I walk downstairs were a few people are awake, I see Alice.
'Can I talk to you?' I ask her.

'Sure.' She smiles. 'What's wrong?'

'So,' I nervously laugh. 'This isn't for me, but I'm being forced to do this since someone has my machete. What's your opinion on Ben?'

'Ben?' She asks. 'I don't like him if that's what your asking.'

'Yeah, but what's your opinion on him?' I say.

'He's alright. He seems funny, a good gamer and hacker, but you two are always fighting and it's annoying.'

'Ok, that'll do.' I get up and begin to walk upstairs. But Ben is walking down. 'She thinks you seems funny, your a good gamer and hacker, but always fighting with me and that's annoying.' I say.

He looks surprised. 'Already asked? Wow, well here I guess.' He hands me back my machete. I take it and walk back down.

Slender calls for us all to leave, we all have our things packed and we're teleported to Trenderman's home. Its like Slender's but more ... trendy. There we are assigned rooms, mines right across from Ben's and next to Nina's. Could be worse.

We are all around the table as the talk of Zalgo comes up. I think of that dream. But it felt so real to be a dream.
'Don't go out hunting, don't answer the door, don't open windows.' Slenderman sets rules.

'I don't think anyone will do that anyway.' Trender states.

'They better not.' Slender says.

After tea, most people scatter around. I knock on Slender's door. I've decided to tell him about the dream I had. He answers and says,
'Enter, child.'

I sit down across from his desk, where he goes to sits. 'What did you need?' He questions.

'So, I had a dream. About Zalgo.' I begin, he leans forward and raises his head in interest. 'I was in this hallway that was red and black. He appeared and told me I should join his side and that we would lose against his army. He then said I wouldn't be of any mean to him or his army, but for other purposes.'

'You don't know, do you?' Slender says , I look at his confused. 'No, I wouldn't let you know when you ran away. He's your uncle, you ran away from him when you was just a child. I had your brain forget every memory with him.'

(Psh, predictable right?)

I couldn't believe him. 'I'm related to that thing!'

'You just haven't unleashed your full power yet.' He calmly says, as if I haven't been told I'm the niece of the enemy.

'Then why were my parents ... human?' I ask.

'Your father wasn't, your mother was. Your father gave you the chemicals thinking he could make you human. But it didn't work. Making you human wouldn't make You have any relation to Zalgo, and therefore what's happening now. Be careful, Y/n. Very careful.'

I nod and walk out. What. The. Actual. Fuck.

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