Chapter 14

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Y/n POV:

I wake up with a jolt. I hold my heart and feel out of breath. Why me? We can finally go outside this room and I go downstairs.
'Someone has to share a room with Ben.' I hear Clockwork say.

'Ugh, don't get me started on that.'

She laughs. 'It's funny.'

'To you it is.'

She laughs again and walks off. I sit by a window and take out my machete. I decide to sharpen it up, since we have to be prepared for anything and everything. About 20 minutes later, it feels weird.

I look up and see nobody downstairs, there isn't a sound either. It feels like I'm alone, but I know I'm not. I look out the window and see it seems normal, but there's something else. A shadow, crouched down by the wall outside. It knows I've seen it, I know it.

It moves forward, I stand to my feet. As I'm about to shout, the window is broke and somebody grabs me. They have a hand over my mouth so I can't scream. Once hold of me, they fly away. They have wings like me, but more a brown colour. I grip onto this person, digging my nails into then hopping they'll let go. Then I feel a sensation in my hands. A burning, itching sensation. It hurts, but not as much as the guy who has a hold of me as my hands light him on fire.

He screams and let's go of me, as I'm falling I watch as he creates a portal, goes theough it and disappears. I use my wings to stop from falling to my death and make my way to the ground. Who was he? What did he want?

I make my way back to the mansion and knock on the door.
'Hey, open up, it's Y/n!' The door opens as I'm dragged inside by someone and pulled into a hug. Its Nina.
'What the fuck happened to you?'

'I don't even know.'

'Why was the window smashed?'

'Somebody took me. I don't know who.'

'Somebody took you?'

'I accidentally set them on fire.'

'What do you mean? Fire? How?'

'That's what I'm trying to figure out.'

'Y/n. Come with me a moment.' Slender says.

I look at Nina with a worrying look and follow Slender.

'You set him on fire?' Slender says.

'Yeah.' I whisper.

'So you've unleashed your power. You must've felt angry.'

'I saw Zalgo again, he still wants me to join him.'

'Of course. But, for now, describe this person.'

'He had wings, more brown but like mine. His face was just grey, so was his eyes and mouth.'

'Zalgo. It's his army, I'm sure of it. I'm going to ask you to be more careful and not go near any windows now.' Slender says. 'There isn't really much we can do, but just be aware of everything at all times.'

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