Chapter 5

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Y/n POV:

By the time it's about 2pm, everyone is basically downstairs. Slenderman comes out his office and yells,
'Silence!' We all shut up. 'I just received news that Zalgo is starting a war with us. He has an army and is planning an attack. I don't know when, but it's happening.'

'What are we gonna do?' Nina asks.

'Won't we fight back?' Jeff questions.

'I'm not sure yet. We don't know how strong his army is.' Slenderman explains. He then enters his office as if he didn't just say that.

Sally starts crying, Alice comforts her. Sally is quite young, I feel sorry for her.
'Do you think Zalgo will actually attack?' Clockwork asks.

'Of course, it's Zalgo.' Bloody painter says, we're all sat around the dining table. Most of us anyways.

'What of he's too powerful for us?' Alice questions. 'Then what?'

'Then we die.' Hoodie states.

'One way to put it.' LJ says, leaning his chin on his hand.

'The only way to put it.' Hoodie says.

We stay silent a few moments, there's not much to say.
'Just be ready, all the time, I suppose.' Jeff says.

'Slender will stop target missions, won't he?' Clockwork says, though she knows the answer.

'Of course.' Jane says.

'It's a weird thought, going to war.' Nina says. We nod.

'What was that?' I ask as I turn to face the front door, it's barely visible from where we are, but I know where it is.

'What d-did yo-you h-hear?' Toby asks.

'I heard it, too.' Clockwork looks to me. 'It wasn't a knock.'

'It sounded like something heavy was thrown at the door.' I say, beginning to get up and walk to it. Clockwork comes with me.

Just before we even get out the dining room, slender walks past.
'Don't to there.' He says to us.

Clockwork and I glance to each other. Practically everyone is now standing at the door of the dining room looking out to the front door and slender walks to it.

He opens the door where there's a mangled body that looks disgusting, I hear someone gag. Weird, because we're killers. But this body is absolutely disgusting.

Slender picks up a note and reads it out loud, 'fight back and you'll end up like this, I'm sure you don't want that, Zalgo.'

'He's psychotic.' Alice says.

'Aren't we all?' Ben says.

'Don't answer the door from now on, if it does knock.' Slender walks off. 'And no more target missions.'

'New it.' Clockwork says.

(Time skip)

After that thing at the door, we all remained silent really. I decided to go to my room and go on the aerial silks. I look out the window and squint my eyes. I see something in the air, but what? I turn the right way round from behind upside down and look closely. Is that ... blood rain?

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