Chapter 13

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Y/n POV:

I hang upside down on the silks with my eyes closed out of boredom. Ben's on his bed playing a game on his Nintendo. The only sound is the sounds from the game. I hear him slam the Nintendo shut and throw it on his bed with a sigh.
'I can't believe we can't leave.' He says.

I hum in response. I open one eye to look outside since I'm facing the one small window, it's getting dark and started raining. That represents my mood.

'Know I'm blaming you for this.' I say.

'Me? Why?' He questions.

'You're the one always picking fights with me.'

'You respond to it.'

'At least you agree that you start them. If you didn't do that then we wouldn't t be here.' I explain.

'Whatever, crow girl.' I can basically feel him roll his eyes.

'Why do you hate me anyways?' I turn back around, still hanging. My hands holding onto the silk with a place to sit beneath me.

He looks to a side and shrugs. 'I don't hate you. I just...I don't know.'

'Clearly.' I sarcastically say.

He says nothing after that. Neither do I. In the end, we both fall asleep.

The next day isn't...a day. I'm back. Where I saw Zalgo. The corridor is empty, at the moment. He soon appears and looks down to me.
'Thought about joining us yet?'

'So, you're my uncle.'

'You know?' Zalgo asks. 'Guess that tall slender bastard told you, finally. He's a coward not letting you know, having your memories erased.'

'He's not a coward.'

'He is. You'd be better with us, you'd have a chance to show your skills, to live a little.' Zalgo says.

'I'm fine where I am.'

'Why? Isn't it horrible? Boring? With me you'd live in a giant castle, in charge of an entire empire!'

'I wouldn t be in charge, you would.'

'Until it's passed down to you.'

'What?' I question.

'You're the only descendant in our family, you'd be the ruler once you're 21. What are you now? Almost 17?'

'How do you know that?'

'You think I don't remember the day my only niece was born? I have no kids, no nephews. You're the only one who can take my place on the throne.'

'I couldn't.'

'Think about it. In charge of everyone, everything. Able to get anything you want. Having a coronation, wearing a crown. Living in a castle. Isn't it a dream?' He's trying to lure me in, I'm worried it's working.

'Why can't you stay in charge?'

'I'd love to see somebody else have the excitement of it all, but only someone who's part of the family.' Zalgo explains. 'I'd be there if you need me, helping if needed.'

'Do you know why my parents tried to stop me from having a relation with you?' I suddenly ask.

'They re foolish. A little fire never hurt more than a billion people.'


'Yeah, you haven't figured that one out yet, have you?' Zalgo says. 'You be never been angry enough to kill someone?'

'Usually if I kill someone it's a mission.'

'Oh, slender man still does those little missions? That's cute, and completely fucking pathetic!' Zalgo yells. 'Feel anger to someone, you might unleash a power. Until next time.'

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