Chapter 24

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Y/n POV:

The next morning I awake, facing Ben. He's still asleep. I get up, get changed and make my way downstairs. Nobody is back yet. After I've eaten, Ben comes downstairs.
'They still aren't back?' Ben asks, his voice croaky.

'No.' I shake my head.

He eats breakfast and we sit on the sofa together.

The door suddenly busts open and all I remember is seeing black afterwards.

I wake up tied to a chair, where am I? It's dark, I can't see much. In here is nothing but a wooden door ahead of me. It creaks open as somebody enters.
'Thought that would work, Y/n?' A voice asks. 'I'm more powerful than any of you!'

It's Zalgo. Oh no. The lights come on and I see he's scarred.

'Planned an attack? And look what you did to me.' He points to his scars.

'Where are they all?' I ask.

'You know the problem with you is that you and too many questions. They re fine, actually I'm not sure because I don't give a fuck about them.'

'You better have not done anything to them!' I say, regretting it when he steps near me with an angry expression.

'Don't threaten me, Y/n. That will be the last thing you ever do!' He cuts my cheek that begins to sting, I hiss. He leaves.

I think it's been 2 days since I've been in here, I've been supplied minimal food and water, but I've managed to wriggle my way out the chair. I hear bangs from outside suddenly that startle me. I get up but realise my legs are aching from not standing for ages.

I notice a small rat of light coming from a section in the wall. I get to pry what I think is a piece of wood off and see a very small square window. Outside I then see Zalgo with a lot of his army with slender and everyone else. I can hear him talking.

'Y/n is dead! Gone!' Zalgo screams to them.

I feel angry and don't listen to the rest, I also hear some fighting. I kick and punch at the door but I can't get it to open. I grab the chair and slam it against the wall, it creates a visible dint that I decide to get and break through. All my anger has built up and as I'm about to push the wall I set fire to it accidentally. I gasp and step back as I watch the wall set in flames.

When there's an opening, I run for it. Run for an exit, not realising I'm setting fire to everything, but I can hear rain outside. And lighting and thunder. I burn open an exit and creep up behind everyone who is fighting or listening to Zalgo say I'm dead.

'She's dead!' Zalgo screams.

I felt my teeth, grab a knife that's surprisingly still in my pocket and throw it to Zalgo. 'Why don't you tell them the fucking truth!?' I yell.

The knife barely misses him. The fighting dies down a bit, but continues. Everyone who was listening to Zalgo now are staring at me, Zalgo with a glare of anger.

'How the hell did you-? He begins, but stops. 'Get her.'

As guards chase after me, some of the creepypastas stop them to fight them off. And I got upwards, getting follows by some of them. I fly through the entire world where Zalgo lives, seeing how damaged it is. I dodge knives and whatever else they are throwing at me. I turn to face them and focus, trying to control this fire power of mine. Without warning, fire escapes my hands and hits them, causing them to drop to the ground and burn.

I fly back but het hit by a fireball and fall to the ground, it was Zalgo. He approaches me and I see my machete in front of him, I don't know of he sees it. It seems he's grown a lot taller, stronger and angrier. I feel like a small ant to him.

'Do you think you can defeat me?' He screams. Something seems to attract his attention as he still walks toward me but looks straight ahead.

I slowly make my way to the machete, grabbing it, and stabbing it into his leg. He drops with a scream As I throw my machete into his chest. I watch as he burst into a million flares with an ear piercing scream.

It feels so quiet when he's finally gone, with a sigh I can back to the ground, but remain conscious. I feel sore everywhere.

I feel someone crown next to me.
'Y/n?' Ben. It's Ben.

I manage to sit up and hug him, I don't care how much it hurts, I need comfort. I need him. He hugs me back of course.

'Why does this shit keep happening to you?' He asks, almost laughing as if he's fighting the pain. He looks injured.

'It doesn't look like I'm the only one who's injured.' I look at him.

'You was just burnt, I think you win.' Ben says. 'Can you get up?'

'I, um,' I question, trying to get up as he helps me.

With his help, we manage to get to slender and tender who teleport us back home.

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