Chapter 17

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Y/n POV:
'So, what's the game?' I ask in a sort of whisper, I almost feel intimidated by the look in his eyes And the dim lights in the room.

'It's called pocky, like I said.' Ben tells me, sitting across me on the bed as he takes something out his pocket.

'And ... how do you play?'

He looks up at me, I can see he's smirking. 'Its simple.' He takes a little stick with chocolate on the end of a side out the box. 'We put our mouths on this and we have to bite closer with every turn. We're basically fighting for it.'

I feel surprised. Why would he play a game like this with me? He's probably trying to embarrass me, and it's already working. I know my cheeks have a red tint to them, there's nothing I can do.

'Ready to play?' He asks, his voice has a certain time to it. A tone of ... lust?

'Sure.' I murmur.

He places his teeth over one side as I do the other. I feel too close to him. I know he's looking at me, but I can't bring myself to look at him, I only glance slightly. I can't believe I'm doing this.

He takes a small bite closer, I finally look him in the eye. I hesitate with a bite, but still do it. It's smaller than his bite. He takes a much larger bite, were a mere inch away. I take the smallest bite closer, our lips brushing against each other. His breath is hot against my lips, but I almost love it. He smirks as he takes his bite, our lips connect to kiss. I gasp and pull back, I can't help it.

'Guess I won.' He smirks, he's still staring at me.

'I guess so.' I very quietly say. I'm embarrassed, but I liked it.

'Are you disappointed, Y/n~? Ben purrs my name, I feel shivers along my body. I see him leaning closer.

I don't respond, I dont know how to. He continues leaning, not stopping until his lips meet mine. I don't stop him, don't push him back, but I don't kiss back. At least, not immediately. He leans down to deepen it at the same time I kiss back.

I practically hear my brain say 'fuck it' and decide to go for it. I push him back slightly as I kiss him, putting my hands around his neck. He's a little taken back, but smirks against the kiss before pushing me back onto the bed and pinning my hands at the side. He hides my lower lip until it bleeds, he licks the blood and slowly parts, his teeth still holding my lower lip.

We look at each other as my lip bounces back as he lets go. We look into each other's eyes, his are full of lust. In the five seconds we look at each other, it tells a story. It isn't long before he kisses my lips again then trails along my jaw. He continues to move downwards, all whilst he's still got my arms pinned to the sides. He lightly bites my neck, kisses it and sucks it. He knows he's found the sweet spot when I gasp and moan at a certain bite. He chuckles deeply. He leave my neck and kisses my lips again. We have a full on make out session before we pull away for air and look at each other once again.

This time he slowly let's go of my arms and sits up, I sit up too.

'You're so fucking hot.' He says to me. I'm taken back by that.

'And here's me thinking you hated me.' I whisper, he's still intimidating to me. But there's something Iove about that about him.

'I thought I did, too. But the past few months I realised there was a reason I was always picking fights with you. To be with you.' Ben explains, he doesn't break eye contact once. 'And I realised you pick fights too, so I hoped ... you might like me the way I like you.'

'I think I've answered that.' I say with a small smile.

'I'm glad.' Ben says. He kisses my head and sighs as he leans his head on top of mine.

I hug him and rest my head against his chest. He sounds relieved, thankful I like him I guess.

'I hope we don't fight like we've always done.' I say.

He laughs and leans back. 'No, we won't. I'll make sure of it.'

I smile. I then grab hold of his face and peck his lips. 'Good.' I whisper.

Ben Drowned x reader (creepypasta)Where stories live. Discover now