Chapter 10

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Y/n POV:

Nina and Jane fight with their knives, though trying not to actually hit each other just focusing on tactics to pin the other one down. Alice is on a treadmill. Clockwork and I are as I fighting but more about stopping before hitting a target and reaction time.

We spend a couple of hours doing this before stopping and going for showers. After my shower i get changed and look out the locked window in my room. A knock comes to my door,
'Come in!' I yell.

In comes EJ. 'I have a problem with Nina.'

'Already?' I face him.

'She's ... complicated.' He says, I roll my eyes but nod. 'I don't know what she wants from me.'

'You. She just wants you.'

'What if it isn't enough?'

'Why wouldn't it be enough? I think she loves you!' I say. EJ looks to the side, I think. 'If you think it isn't, she likes the colour purple, and has a love for hair accessories.'

'She does?' He perks up. 'Thanks, Y/n.' He runs out leaving my door wide open.

I sigh and go to close it.

'Suddenly a love doctor?' Alice asks.

'Apparently so. It's funny since I know nothing about love.'

'You think Nina or EJ do?' Alice questions.

'Fair point.'

'You've dated people.' Alice points out.

'Nobody I've ever loved. I kinda wonder what it's like to be ... loved.' I say.

'I bet someone loves you.'

'I got the feeling that a certain somebody liked you, may be loved you?' Or loves you?' I say.

'Are you talking about Ben?'

'He asked your opinion on him. He must have feelings or at least something.'

'Or he's been a curious guy. I'll be honest, I have zoned out staring at him way too often over the past few months. He might have gotten the wrong impression and hoped I didn't like him.' Alice explains.

'Doubtful.' I state.

'I always look at people and think who would make a cute couple, or who I think would have crushes on who.' Alice says, I smile.

'Any good matches you've thought of?'

She leans in to whisper. 'Clockwork and Toby.'

'Really? Actually, I could see that.' I agree. They would be a cute couple when I think about it. 'Anyone for yourself.'

She shakes her head. 'But I thought of someone for you.' She smiles a mischievous smile.

'For me?' I say surprised.

She nods. 'Not saying though.'

'Good, I'll end up being embarrassed around them, regardless if I like them or not.'

'You'd both be so cute together.' Alice says.

'Now I'm curious.'

'I knew you would be. But I'm not saying until I think you might like them.'

'What if I never like them?'

'I hope you will.' Alice walks off to her room.


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