Chapter 6

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Y/n POV:

Blood rain. That's something only Zalgo could do. I run downstairs and practically yell,
'It's raining blood outside! In the distance!'

Everyone looks at me. Then outside.

'No it's not.' Jane says.

'Not that's side, on the left.' I say.

They all go to look out on the left side and gasp as they see it. Slenderman then walks out his office.
'What's this about, Y/n?'

'It's raining blood.' I state. Despite the fact he has no eyes, I know he's widened them. He rushes to look outside and sees it.
'It's not going to be here immediately, we have a few days until then.' Slender explains. 'But careful, we'll have to leave for now.'

'To ... where?' Jeff asks.

'Probably trenderman's.' He says.

'When will we go?'

'Tomorrow, be ready by then.' Slenderman says before walking off back to his office.

The rest of the day goes in a blur. By the time it's around 8pm, I decide to go to the training room. It's basically full of helpful shit to fight with and train with.

I decide to train with my machete first, stopping before hitting the dummy. Then I train with the few smaller knives I have in my pocket, hitting targets around the room. I decide to make it more difficult for myself and put on a blindfold

In the darkness, I try to sense where they are. If set right, they can have an occasional sound they make to indicate where they are. When I hear a click to my right, I throw a knife. No idea if I've hit it or not, but I listen for other clicks. I wait, and wait. Click. I throw my knife. Then wait again, longer this time. Click. I throw the knife, the last one.

I take off the blindfold and see I've hit them all, but no bulleyes. Good enough though.
'Not bad, Y/n.' I hear Ben say. I know it's him, it's that voice.

I face him. 'Spying, huh?'


'Creepy.' I state. 'Slender doesn't like it when people spy on others.'

'And you're training after 6pm, which isn't allowed. Slender doesn't like it when people are rule breakers.' Ben smirks.

'Then I guess we'll both shut up and stay quiet.' I say, collecting all my knives.

'I guess so.' He murmurs, I see he's holding my machete which I put to a side. 'Oversized weapon in my opinion.'

'Then good job I didn't ask.' I try to take it put he holds it back, holding me back with his other arm.

'What would you give to get this back?' He smirks.

'What?' I ask.

'It's a simple question.'

'I ... don't know. Why? What are you wanting?'

'A tiny, small favour.' He says.

'And how small actually is this favour?'

'Will you ask Alice if she likes me?' He smiles a toothy grin.

'Alice, huh? What if I don't?'

'Bye bye machete.' He states. 'You'll get if back when you give me her honest opinion of me.

'Whatever, perv.' I barge past him. 'Why don't you ask her yourself anyways?' I spin in a circle tow do him that whilst still walking, he's following me.

He shrugs. 'Couldn't think of anything else to ask. I don't know have anything to request from someone like you.'

'Someone like me?'

'You know, someone who has a chemical filled brain. God knows what your capable of, it's probably why you're always lashing out at me for nothing.'

'It's never for nothing.' I say.

'There you go again.' Ben crosses his arms as he's walking upstairs behind me.

I open my mouth to say something, but swallow it and sigh.

'What's wrong, Y/n? Cat got your tongue? Or was it realisation that I'm right about you? And that you're rude and a bitch and don't belong with the creepypastas? I can see why your parents sold you to those scientists. Oh, wait, yourfather was one of the scientists, clearly trying to get rid of you.'

'Say that louder, I dare you.' I say.

'What will you do? I have your machete.' I can almost hear him smile.

I lose it and pull out one of my knives and put it against his throat, pushing him to the wall.
'I will make sure you drown again if you speak about my family again.'

'I'm still stronger than you.' He pushes me against the opposite wall.'

'And I still have two feet.' I smirk, he knows what I mean from what happened before when he pinned me down.

He lets go and walks to his room. 'Whatever.'

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