Chapter 3

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Y/n POV:

Most people have gone out to kill their target missions, so I've been left alone. I decided to take a trip around slender woods, in case any unfortunate soul has gotten lost inside.

As I wonder around, I can't help but have the feeling someone is following me. I keep hearing double footsteps and leaves crunching.
'We're lost, Troye. Well done.' I hear someone say from beyond.

I hide further within the trees and peer out. I see a girl with a boy who resembles her, a brother maybe?

'It's not my fault!' I watch as they come to a halt.

'Mum said we had to be back ten minutes ago, we're dead!'

'One way to put it.' I say as I emerge from the trees.

They gasp, then the boy speaks. 'There's someone here, they might be able to help us.'

'I don't think so.' I say. I step out so they can properly see I'm not exactly ... human. The girl looks panicked.

I smirk and begin to take out my weapon. They look horrified when they see it.
'You're n-not going to k-kill us, are y-you?' The girl asks.

'Not immediately.' I say, stepping closer.

'Anna, run.' I hear the guy whisper to her. I frown. The girl takes off and I step to the guy.

'Bad mistake.' I growl as I slice him in half and fly above the trees for the girl. I see her running, she's not very quiet either.

I fly in front of her and she almost bumps into me.
'Please don't kill me!' She begins crying.

'Sorry, darling. It's part of the fun.' I say as I stab her in the heart.

As I'm about to take off to fly I hear a rustle behind. I look around, seeing a blur of green. Out comes Ben. The hell does he want?
'Are you following me?' I ask.

'The fuck? No.' He says. 'I heard screaming. Now I see what happened. Not the best work, i could've done better.' He motions to the body.

I roll my eyes. 'Whatever, gamer boy.' I then take off flying and go straight to slender mansion.

(Time skip)

We all finished eating and we're basically chilling out. All the girls and I were sitting in the living room. Including Jane.
'See any rabbits today, Alice?' Clockwork asks her.

'No, actually. I haven't. I'm surprised you can see me, anyways, with only being able to see half of what we all see.'

'Oooo.' Jane says.

'Bitch.' Clockwork jokes.

'Aren't I just? I get inspired by you if I'm honest.' Alice says.

'That's nice.' Clockwork says as she pushes Alice of the couch.

'My dress!' Alice yells. We laugh.

Whilst Alice and Clockwork get into a fight, the rest of us talk.

'So, how was the targets?' Nina asks us.

'Too easy, it's boring when I can't have a little fun.' I say.

'I was assigned to this old man, he couldn't even see me. Then he mistaked me for his granddaughter and said 'Oh, you've shrunk a little haven't you Samantha'. We was annoying!' Jane rambles.

'Talk to Alice about shrinking and growing.' I say.

'I swear that bottle she has to shrink with gets her drunk.' Nina says. Jane and I both nod.

'You two done yet?' I ask as we look over.

'Yeah, I'm off to bed now. I'm tired.' Alice says, taking hair out of her mouth.

'The fuck was going on in here?' Masky appears at the door.

'A fight.' Nina states.

'And I missed it? Damn.' He says, walking away.

'Don't you damn, Masky.' Clockwork says as she, too, goes upstairs.

'Goodnight.' Alice storms off up.

'Think she lost the fight.' Nina says.

'Definitely. But, to be fair, I'm tired too. Night night, ladies.' I go upstairs.

'Night, Y/n.' Nina and Jane say.

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