Chapter 9

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Y/n POV:

The next morning I was walking along the corridor of bedrooms when Ben purposefully bumped into me and said,
'Watch it, feathers!'

'That's the only insult you got, elf boy?' I retort.

'Sorry I don't spend my nights thinking of nicknames for people.'

'Sorry you're not witty enough for a simple insult, glitch.'

'Niece of the enemy.' Fuck.


'Don't think I didn't hear your conversation with slender.' He says.

'That wasn't your business.'

'It was. I'm living in a place with someone like you.'

'Just fuck off, Ben.' I go past him, hitting his shoulder.

Downstairs is pretty much nobody I actually like talking to so I sit by the window, looking out. I read a book, like the little geek I am, and get about halfway through when I hear a squeal from behind. Downstairs runs down Nina and Alice.
'Guess who's finally a couple!?' Alice yells, gaining everyone's attention.

'You're finally together?' I ask Nina who nods very happily with a huge grin.

'We're finally together! Fuck yeah!'

'Watch your words!' Masky walks past behind us.

'You took time.' I say.

'Way too much time!' Nina agrees.

'Finally a couple? Why didn't you guys tell me?' Jane comes down the stairs.

'You can't keep secrets.' Alice says.

'Whatever, losers.' Jane walks off. We laugh at her, but I can see Jane is laughing too.

'How did it happen then? I ask her with a toothy smile.

Nina sets next to me. 'Well, we-'

'Hate to intrude on this magical conversation about love and rainbows and whatever other shit girls love, but slender wants us all in the other room.' Jeff interups us.

We share faces of disgust once he's gone and make our way out.

Slender and Trender are waiting for us and say,
'We've arranged that you should all be trained, in case Zalgo finds us.'

'So we're abandoning the old rule of no training after certain times, and instead advise you to do so. Whenever you like, go into the basement and train.' Slender says.

'That's all.' Trender happily says. He's much happier than slender. But nobody is happier than splenderman.

We all walk off, until Clockwork who suddenly appears from behind suggests we go down to train.

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