Chapter 1.

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Dylan's POV

We walked down the cold hallway of the hospital in silence. What did we have to say? Mason, my sister, had tears running down her cheeks while I just stared at my feet. I walked up to the desk as Mason took a seat in the waiting room pulling her legs up to her face and buried her head in her knees, her back and shoulders moving up and down from her hysteric crying.

"Mannings.." I mumbled at the lady in the desk. Immediatly she looked up at me and gave me a sympathetic smile.

"Room 19," She said pointing down the hall, "And miss? I'm so sorry.." She said and the tears triggered. I nodded and signaled to Mason to come with me. I hesistated to open the door, but Mason ran right in and hovered over the bodies of what used to be our parents and brother.

"Oh my God.. Mommy, Daddy, Ryan!" She cried sliding onto the floor as the doctors came and picked her up and asked me to follow them to one of their offices. Why would they do that? Let us see and then take us away? They weren't terribly harmed, but they were killed in a car accident so they didn't look themselves. They just looked, empty. There's no better way to describe it.

"Dylan, Mason, I'm so sorry about your loss." The doctor said as we sat down in his office. There were two other people there, a woman and a man, sitting next to us. The woman grabbed Mason's hand but she whipped it away. She was extremely close to our family, as was I, but Mason was REALLY close. I mean, we are her only friends, which is weird because she's very popular at school, but she never hung out with anyone but us. She and Ryan were probably the closest any two people could be, they were like best friends. It's so much worse for her right now than it is for me, and it's REALLY bad for me. I can't even imagine what's going through her mind.

"Thank you.." She said crying into Ryan's hoodie that she grabbed before we left the house to come here.

"This is your aunt and uncle, Karen and Geoff. I'm aware that you two haven't met them, but they're who you will be staying with from now on." The doctor said as Karen gave me a smile. Great, I get to live with two people I never met while I'm going through the worst time of my life.

"No. I don't know them. I want to live with my mom, and my dad, and Ryan! I don't want to be stuck in a house with people I don't know. What I want is Ryan to play Mario Kart with, and my mom to make cookies with, and my dad to teach me how to drive. I don't need this and I certainly don't need you two." Mason shouted. I sat there in shock. She was the nicest person I have ever met and she's screaming at a doctor and our family.

"Mason.. stop it." I said sternly. She stared at me with her puffy eyes that had make-up smeared all around them.

"I'm sorry. I just want to see them again.. alive." She said crying again. Karen and Geoff nodded, and the doctor kept looking down at his desk, his hand rubbing his neck. She definitely created an awkward situation.

"Well, you can take it from here Karen and Geoff. Girls, I wish you well. Also, I've been told to tell you that the funeral will be held Friday, so you have time to write your speeches if you wish to share your favorite memories of your family. I'm so sorry, again." The doctor said showing us to the door. Karen lead us to the car in silence, but I don't blame her, what do you say?

"So, girls, I guess we should probably tell you something." Geoff said once we got into the car. "We have a very busy buisness schedule so we aren't really ever home. We asked our son and he agreed to it, as long as you're comfortable with this, you will be living with our son and his friend. They have a fairly big flat, but you'll have to share a room with each other. Is that okay?" We nodded. What say do we have in it?

"How old is he?" Mason asked, sniffling.

"He's 18, along with his friend. Their names are Liam and Niall. Liam being our son." At least they're our age. Well, my age, Mason is 16, but she acts like she's 18.

"Why don't you tell us about yourselves?" Geoff said breaking the silence.

"I'm Dylan, I'm 18, I'm not too sure what else to add." I said chuckling a little bit. Karen smiled.

"I'm Mason, which is weird because I've only heard of boy's named Mason. I'm 16, and I just got out of school. My friends are," She paused and tears formed in her eyes. "I'm sorry.. were.. Ryan, my mom and dad, and well, Dylan's still my best friend. I'm a really nice girl so I'm sorry if I snap at you, it's just this is extremely hard for me." She started crying again, even harder than before.

"Honey, you'll get through this, I promise." Geoff said pulling into our driveway. She nodded and wiped her tears as he got our of the car and opened our car door for us. "For now, just go get enough stuff for a few days. We'll get your stuff on Tuesday, okay?" I nodded and headed inside to collect my stuff. I just got the basics and filled one Vera Bradley duffel bag. Mason came downstairs with three Vera Bradley duffel bags.

"Mason, we're going to be back in a few days." I said and she looked down to her feet.

"This bag is for me. This bag is full of some of Ryan's stuff, and this bag is full of Mom and Dad's stuff." She said before I ran over and hugged her. I felt her crying, making me cry. "Why did this happen, Dyl? Why them? Why not me?" She said through the tears.

"I don't know why this happened, but don't wish it was you, Mason. That's terrible." I said pulling away and looking down into her bright blue eyes.

"It would be easier if we were in that car too, we wouldn't have to deal with this." She mumbled.

"Stop it! You're only making it worse!" I said aggresively picking up my bag and one of hers, and we walked out of the house and into the car.

"Ready to go?" Geoff asked and I nodded, my brown hair crossing my face. I pulled it away and looked at the house as we pulled out of the driveway. We started to drive away and Mason started crying again as we drove past where our parents worked.

"That's where Mom and Dad worked. When they first met, Mom told Dad that she worked there, and then Dad got a job there just so he had a reason to see her. Isn't that sweet?" Mason cried out. She did this for most of the ride at random places, like McDonald's, gas stations, and parks until she fell asleep.

"This will be good for her, and for you." Karen said looking at Mason.

"What will?" Please don't tell me she's going to say my family's death. That's messed up.

"Living with Liam and Niall. They'll keep you distracted from reality. And they're really good guys." I fake smiled. I really didn't want to go there and live with them and fake having fun. I just wanted to go home.

"It'll be hard." I stated looking out the window. I started to cry but I wiped my tears and kept it silent. I wasn't the one to cry, I was suppose to be a good example for Mason. I have to stay strong. Geoff turned on the radio and One Direction came on. I seriously love them, they're my favorite, along with Mayson's. "Can you turn it up?" I said and they exchanged looks. Do they hate One Direction or something? What? Can 18 year olds not listen to boy bands now? Fight me. They turned it up and started to sing along, which made me laugh mentally. I started singing along too, and then another One Direction song came on. Then I realized, they had the One Direction CD playing. I laughed mentally at this too. They seemed pretty cool..

Mason woke up pushing her long blonde hair out of her face and Moments, her favorite song, started to play. She smiled and started to sing along. Karen and Geoff looked at each other and smiled. I knew what they were thinking. They were proud they distracted us from reality, just like what Liam and Niall are supposedly going to do. Wait, Liam.. Niall.. One Direction CD... They're..

"We're here!"

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