Chapter 3.

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Mason's POV

"Look, I know I didn't make a good first impression, but I'm really not in the mood for you telling me how weird I am." I said harshly going to the door and trying to close it. He stopped it from closing.

"I wasn't going to tell you you're weird. I was going to ask who's Ryan and why did you think I was him?" He sounded actully interested, so I let him come in and sat next to him on my bed.

"Ryan is-" I paused. "Was my brother, he died. He was my twin, and my best friend. He was like you, a prankster, a joker, and just a class clown." Louis smiled. Why was he smiling? I just told him my brother died.

"I was hoping he wasn't some freak ex-boyfriend." He said laughing. Ex-boyfriend. Ryan beat up my ex-boyfriend. What am I going to do now? What if someone abuses me again? Who will save me? Why did Louis have to laugh? What's wrong with him?

"Get out." I mumbled, trying to hold back my tears and anger.

"What? Why?" He asked confused. I pointed towards the door, my head facing the floor.

"Get out." I said a little louder. I made myself clear, he knew what I wanted.

"No, tell me what triggered this anger."

"Ryan, save me.." I said crying into my pillow. Louis looked scared, but then he turned angry.

"Ryan's not going to save you, Mason. He's not here, okay? I know it's only been a day, but you're bringing everyone down alone with yourself. He's not here, and he's not coming back. I'm sorry, but you need to accept that." He yelled, loud enough so everyone in the house could hear it. I was crying hysterically at the point when everyone came in.

"Ryan. Come save me from him. From this house. From reality." I kept saying into my pillow. I need him, I need my mom and I need my dad. Where are they?

"Mason, you need to calm down, okay?" Liam said softly rubbing my back softly. "Take a few deep breaths. Louis' gone, what he said was wrong. You can take as long of a time getting over this, okay?" I wrapped my arms around Liam and hugged him. I looked over his should and saw Dylan staring at me like she was lost. I released my grip from Liam and ran over to Dylan and hugged her.

"We're going to get through this, Mason. We are." She kept saying. The boys left us alone, and we decided to sit down and talk about everything since we never really did.

"Mason, we need to write those speeches you know? We have to be presentable for the funeral, we need to be strong. We can't keep running away everytime someone says something that triggers these emotions." She said looking at me. We? She means me.

"I know. Maybe we should just talk about how we're feeling and put that in the speech. I know I'm taking this way too far, but can you blame me? You're bottling your emotions up, it feels like I'm the only one who cares." I said, realizing what I said was wrong. I made a mistake, I know that, and so did Dylan.

"I'm trying to be strong for you, Mason. Don't say I don't care. I do, but you're not going to feel any better if I'm sitting in the corner crying too. You won't feel any less alone." She said. She was doing this for me?

"Thank you.. I'm trying my best, Dyl. I'm trying so hard to do what Louis said-" She cut me off.

"No. Louis was wrong. He admitted it when he got out of the room. He was actually crying he knew he made a big mistake." He cried? What am I doing to people?

"Oh." I said plainly. After a long moment of silence, we both decided to just write our speeches. An hour later mine was done. Dylan was done in 15 minutes and left me to write mine in silence. I re-read it in my mind.

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