Chapter 12.

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Mason's POV

I've always wanted to go to Disney World in Florida, and more importantly, I've always wanted to go to America! I'm so happy that get to both, and we're leaving tonight! Like, excuse me while I cry of being overwhelmed by the best thing ever. I went into my room and started packing when I felt arms wrap around my waist and spun me around. I looked up into familiar green eyes and smiled. Harry was perfect, and he kept me so happy. I gave him a quick kiss and slipped out of his grip.

"Go to your house and pack!" I said hitting his back playfully.

"Mas, you've been in here for 2 hours, we've already all packed and brought our bags back. I came in to tell you to hurry up!" He said laughing at me. I looked at the clock. What did I seriously just do for 2 hours? I probably just stared at my closet knowing me. Two hours go by like two seconds. Whoops.

"Well, I'm done packing. I guess we should go to the airport.." I said looking at the clock. Our flight left at 8, and it was 6. Have I mentioned I'm paranoid about getting to places on time? Cause I am.

"If you want to. I'll put your bag in the car. But I came in here to ask you something." He said smiling. I nodded, zipping my Vera Bradley bag. "Will you sit next to me on the plane, but away from Liam? I know that's kind of mean.." He said but I shut him up with a kiss.

"Of course I'll sit with you, and I think it would be best if we sit away from Liam, you're right." He smiled and kissed my forehead and took my bag out to the car. I put on my sweats and a mickey mouse shirt and got into Harry's car, following everyone else. Luckily, he told them I wanted shot gun, so I got to sit in the front.

We got to the airport and got settled with baggage check, getting our tickets, etc. We just had 30 minutes until we boarded, so I decided to go to a store to get snacks. Harry and Niall followed me, and we picked up so many snacks that people would think we were storing for the end of the world. Most of it was for Niall too! He was crazy.. We got back to the section where everyone was sitting right when the lady starting boarding us, thankfully. There were two seats away from everyone, and no one wanted to take them, so Harry and I so generously accepted them. Gosh darn it.

"I've never been in first class before.." I said to Harry settling into my seat.

"Well, looks like we'll have to make it a good expierence for you! Party in first class!!!" He shouted throwing his hands in the air dancing, I pulled them down, embarrassed, but he just laughed at me.

"Just promise me you won't get naked like what I heard you did on a plane once.." He frowned but he slowly nodded.

I fell asleep for most of the plane ride, which was weird, I've never slept that long anywhere other than my bed. I woke up to Harry shouting "WE'RE HERE!" But I punched him in the stomach 'playfully.' Or should I say planefully. (A/N Adventurous Adventures of One Direction random pun! ;D)

We got off the plane, got our bags, and went onto a bus to take us to Disney World. It was so cute, Dylan and Niall were holding hands the whole time, except for when Niall carried both his bag and hers. It was so sweet. Zayn offered to carry my bag before Harry, but it's okay. I'll let that one slide.

"Alright, so Paul said there was two bedroom, two queen sized beds in each, so who wants to be in what room?" Liam said, making me nervous. I really hope he didn't want to be in a room with me and Harry.

"Liam, Dylan and I in one room? Zayn, Louis, Harry, and Mason in the other?" Niall suggested sending me a wink. He knew exactly what I was thinking. Everyone agreed except for Liam.

"Maybe Mason could be in our room?" He said making everyone groan. We were all extremely tired and didn't want to fight about rooming.

"But I live with you, plus you guys are going to go to bed really early and wake up early. I want to sleep in, and be in the party room!" I whined, begging Liam. He sighed and then nodded, making me hug him. "Thank you!" I went back to my seat with Zayn because Louis missed his Hazza. Boys..

We got into the suite and Louis ran into the biggest room and called it for us. It had two queen sized beds, a bathroom, a couch, and a TV. The other one just had two queen-sized beds and a small tv. Ha!

I sat on a bed, Harry sitting next to me. "So what's the sleeping arrangement?" Louis asked once he stopped jumping from bed to bed. Sometimes I question his age..

"I'll take this bed." I said tapping the bed I was sitting on.

"I'll sleep here too." Harry said making Louis and Zayn look at each other. Oh God, we shouldn't have taken the same bed..

"Just as long as you guys keep quiet." Zayn said laughing.

"What?" I said playing dumb. Maybe they meant about talking..

"We all know you two like each other, it's obvious. I'm surprised Liam hasn't figured it out yet. I mean, why else would you want to sleep in the same room as Harry but not Liam, sit with him away from the whole group on the plane, and we saw him sneak into your room last night. You should thank me for sitting with him on the bus, because all Liam could talk about on the plane was you two." Louis said making me blush. I fell back onto the bed with a sigh.

"Secrets are hard to keep." I said laughing a bit.

"No they aren't, you're just bad at keeping them. Niall and Dylan know right?" Zayn asked. Harry nodded, poking my stomach making me laugh.

"Well, we should probably tell Liam that Mason's sleeping in the same bed as me because Larry had to sleep together, if he asks." Zayn said, and I nodded.

"We'll lock our door so he won't be able to walk in when we're sleeping." Louis said. I smiled, they were being surprisingly supportive.. "So get all the romance out now while they're busy." He said turning away and holding Zayn's eyes with his hands. I just laughed until I felt Harry pull me onto of him, kissing me. I was still laughing, which was weird because I've never laughed while kissing someone, so I pulled away, making Harry frown like a toddler. I kissed his pouty lip and then got off of him.

"Done!" He said cheerfully, and Louis turned back around gagging.

"Just date her already!" Zayn said making me blush. Well, on that note, I'm going to leave! I laughed and walked out the door going into the other room.

"Vas hppenin?" Liam said when I entered making me laugh.

"Ahh, so the party room isn't good enough anymore?" Niall asked making fun of my argument on the bus.

"I just couldn't stay away from you Nialler!" I said sarcastically laying down in Liam's bed.

"That's the best response I've ever heard.." He said opening a bag of chips. He never stopped eating..

"So what's the sleeping arrangement in there?" Liam asked poking me as I slipped under his sheets. The room was cold from the air conditioning.

"Well, Larry Stylinson couldn't stay away from each other, so it's me and Zayn. We're also locking our door when we go to sleep because knowing you guys, you're going to try and wake us up at like 6:30, cause that's what you poops do." I said laughing. Liam almost looked relieved. Did I just solve mission impossible? Woo!

Liam laughed, "Fair enough. Just as long as you aren't in a bed with Harry! I don't even want to imagine what he would do to you.. Ew." He said making me stare straight forward at Dylan who looked like she was about to die of laughter.

"What? No, I would never Liam! Who do you think I am? Caroline Flack?" I said getting out of his bed and going back into my room. Well, he would be really stupid if he bought that..

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