Chapter 5.

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Mason's POV

Harry sat me down in my room, which was a bit awkward because I wasn't a really big fan of people coming into my room. "Hi." I said nervously laughing a bit. What could he have to say to me?

"Hi" He said smiling. Wow, he has a really good smile. And eyes. And hair. Wow, he's hot..

"Did you actually have to talk to me?" I asked laughing a bit to ease the tension.

"Oh, yeah. Sorry. So, can I tell you something?" He asked. I nodded while smiling. His eyes were mesmorizing. "Liam and Dylan told all of us that you can't date any of us." I snapped out of my state of mesmorization and realized what he just said. They can't date me? But.. they're all so nice.. and hot.. and, and.. why?

"I'm 16, I can date whoever I want." I said confidently, but it came out more immaturely. Not helping your case, Mason.

"I tried saying that but they said you were too young and you don't have a say." Why was he trying to protect me? Why would he care? Maybe he was just being a friend. People do try to be friendly sometimes, I guess.

"Well, that's really not up to them, but I could understand what they're trying to do. Liam's trying to be Ryan and my dad, and Dylan's trying to be my mom. But I don't need them. I'll talk to Liam, but I won't say anything directly. Dylan, I can promise she only said that so she wouldn't create a fight between Liam and her." I said, and he seemed to relax and loosen up, which made me smile. Why did he care so much? Seriously, someone help me out with this.

"Alright, I just don't want you to feel limited." I wanted to laugh mentally. He was such a slow talker! Aw, poor Harry. I smiled, and he smiled back. I looked away but he pulled my chin up so I was looking at him. "You shouldn't feel like you have limits." He said inching towards me. I pulled away.

"But I do have boundaries." I said before booking it out of that room. What? I just got back from my family's funeral and you try to kiss me? Sorry, that's not what's going to happen. I went and sat out on the patio and started crying a little. Why? I'm not too sure myself.

"Are you okay?" Liam asked me entering the patio. I nodded and wiped away my tears. "What happened?"

"I really don't want to talk about it here." I said giving him a fake smile.

"Want to go out to dinner? Just the two of us? It would probably help us get to know each other, and then if you feel comfortable enough, at the end you can tell me what's upsetting you." He said putting his hand on my hand. He reminded me of my dad, but I guess that's why they call him Daddy Direction. I nodded and smiled for real and went into my room to get changed. Don't worry, Harry had left the house with Louis and Zayn by then!

I changed into a pair of maroon skiny jeans, a sheer top with a black collar, my hair side braided, and white crochet Toms. I walked into the living room to meet Liam, and he called us a cab seeing that he can't drive. What I want to know is why he moved into a flat with another person who couldn't drive. That's a lot of cab money. Well, he was a popstar..

We arrived at a restaurant that I've never been to before because it was way too expensive. I was surprised he took me here. I'm just his cousin, but whatever! I'm not going to object!

"So, tell me about yourself." He said after we ordered our food.

"There's a lot to tell, I don't know where to start." Honestly, people can't tell you to talk about yourself. You've known yourself your whole life, there's too much to tell!

"What are your interests?" He asked smiling.

"Well, I like to act, sing, and play piano. But I'm not good at any of them, I just do it for pure enjoyment. I also like to write, a lot. I don't know if you noticed but I write letters to Ryan, my mom, and my dad everday. I like to golf too, my dad used to take me out a lot. So, my interests kind of vary." I said laughing a little bit. I was such a weird child. "Tell me about yourself, Liam."

"Well, I obviously like to sing, and I like to play golf, workout, do things that involve thinking and building muscules, and I like to box." I guess we both vary interests.

"Ahh, the muscular nerd." I said making us both laugh. Our food came out and I felt extremely childish. He ordered a steak with mashed potatoes (A/N POTATOES!) and vegetables, and I ordered a grilled cheese and fries. I mean, whatever. He laughed, because when they brought out my meal, they also brought out paper and crayons. I gave the waitor a glare and he just shrugged.

"How old do they think you are?" He said laughing.

"4?" I said, joining in on the laughter.

"Well, we should probably color.." Liam said, surprising me. But I didn't hesitate. They gave us like 20 pieces of paper, so we decided to draw Harry, Louis, Niall, Zayn, and Dylan and then we were going to hang them up on the fridge.

"Oh my God, Liam, that's terrible! Harry's head looks so demented!" I said laughing at the attempt of Harry that Liam drew. He had misshaped eyes, a weird creepy smile, and a huge nose. So realistic, Liam! Well done!

"It's better than your drawing of him!" He said pointing at my stick figure that I put weird afro-y hair and a 'blazer' on. I was mad at Harry, I wasn't going to go into detail. Sue me.

"He'll love us after these!" I said putting all of our drawings together. Of course, once we were finally having an amazing time, we got bombarded with fans.

"Liam! Love me! Who's this? Marry me? Who's that girl?" I've never heard so many questions about me and so many marriage proposals in my life! It made me laugh. He told a few that I was his cousin, and then I had to take pictures with some of the fans. Someone asked for a picture of just me and Liam, which is weird. I said yes though, because only a week ago, I was one of them.

"Let's go!" Liam said pushing through the fans polietely." I nodded and trailed behind him and entered the cab.

"That was crazy." I said laughing.

"You'll get used to it." He said laughing with me.

The thing is, I really don't want to be famous, I don't want to get attention. I just want to be a normal girl again.

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