Chapter 14.

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Dylans POV

When Louis reccomended that we split up and go to whatever park we wanted, I knew I had to go to Epcot. Okay, its not like it has the best rides or anything, but it has the best shopping and I just really like shopping. Sue me. Whatever, so I dragged Niall along with me. Okay, there was another perk to this park. Of all of them, it probably seemed the most romantic, with the lake, and the fancy resturants and all. I was kind of hoping to set the mood for him to ask me to be his girlfriend. Since he still hasnt. Even though we've been on three dates. And sleep in the same bed most nights. And spend all of our time together. But whatever! Let's just move on from this for now..

When we got to the park we went on a few rides. None of them were really high action, but they were fun and I really just liked being here with Niall. After we got as much out of the rides as we possibly could, we went to the World Showcase. I'd just like to take a second to point out that World Showcase is probably the cutest thing ever. It has tons of little set ups of different countries around the world, and has adorable shopping and really yummy food. Obviously I dragged Niall to every store they had, and he didnt even complain once. Best boy ever, or what? When we went in the jewlrey shop that the set up of Italy had, I saw this adorable gold braclet with charm shaped like a heart dangling from it. But one look at the price tag and I put it down. I didnt really need that bracelet anyways.

"What was that you were just looking at?" Niall asked me

"It was just a bracelet. I dont really need it, I guess." I said, trying to sound convincing. "I'm going to go get a churo, do you want to come?"

"No, but I'll be right there. Can you get me a churo though?" That boy, always thinking about food. He kept looking at the showcases of jewlery which was weird. Why would he be looking at jewlrey? Oh well. I went over to the vender, who was convinetly located right outside the jewlery store, and ordered two churos. When I ordered two he gave me a weird look. What kind of world is this where a person cant order two of a fried mexican pasterie by themselves without getting looks? Besides, I was getting it for my boyfriend anyways. Oops! Did I call him my boyfriend? Sorry, I forgot, he still hasnt asked me.

He walked out of the store, and sat next to me on the bench. I gave him his churo and he ate it smiling.

"Why are you smiling so much, does food really make you that happy?" I asked him, poking his belly. He laughed.

"No, but I am that happy to be here with you," he said. Well, if that wasnt the cheesiest thing I ever heard. Oh well, It was still pretty cute. I smiled.

"Do you want to get some lunch, now? I'm still pretty hungry, I havent eatten since breakfast!" I asked him.

We went to this cute French resturant set up right next to a mini model of the Eifel Tower, which looked pretty crowded. There were alot of people sitting outside, obviously waiting for a table. Niall walked straight up to the hottess who was chewing gum, and scribbling on a notepad, not looking up at him.

"Table for two?" He asked politely.

"That will be a twenty minute wait, can I take your name?"

"Niall Horan." Apprently this name meant something to her, because as soon as he said it, her head snapped up.

"As in, THE Niall Horan, of One Direction?" she asked stunned.

"The one and only." He said, smiling. She turned exstatic. It seems shes a pretty big One Direction fan..

"I'm sorry, Mr. Horan, we have a table you and your date can use right away," She said and she led us into the resturant. The perks of having a famous boyfriend..Wait! Sorry, I slipped up again. I probably should stop thinking to myself he's my boyfriend, before I accidentally say it in front of him and scare him off..

We sat down at a table for two, in a relativly private part of the resturant. The hostess, who's name we learned was Margrite, took our drink orders, and then left us alone. Niall and I made small talk about our day, and the weather until she came back with our drinks. Once she left for the second time, Niall looked at me and smiled.

"I got you something today.." He said, and handed my a small box wrapped in silver foil.

"Today, how did you get me something today? I was with you the whole time." I laughed. No, really. When did he manage to get this?

"Just open it!" he said. So I did. Inside the box was the bracelet from that jewlery store. My jaw literally dropped.

"Niall! Oh my gosh, this is the one I wanted! You shouldn't have done this, this must've cost so much.." He cut me off.

"Dyl, I'm in one of the most popular bands in the world..that wasn't really a main concern of mine." Oh okay, mr. cocky.. Who am I kidding. This was way too nice.

"Thank you so much, I love it!" I leaned across the table and gave him a kiss on the lips.

"I'm glad," he said smiling. "Also, I have something I want to ask you. "

"Yeah, sure, what?" I asked him, still focused on my new bracelet.

"Dylan, when I met you, you were so broken, and all I wanted to do is help. And I'm starting to see you be happy, truly happy. And I love that. I love seeing you smile, and I love your laugh. I especially love when you're that happy around me. It gives me hope that you like me as much as I like you, so I was just wondering..will you be my girlfriend?" Okay, I wasnt paying so much attention to my bracelet anymore. I looked up at him, and his eyes looked so hopeful. Oh my gosh, he's just way too cute.

"Of course! Yes, yes, yes!" I said, probably a bit too loud for the resturant. But I didnt care. Niall James Horan was my boyfriend.

After we ate, we decided to go back to the hotel and go swimming, since we figured everyone was still at the park and the pool would be less crowded. We went to our hotel room, and I chaged into a purple bikini with a pink rose pattern on it. When we got to the pool, who should we find but Harry Styles tounging my little sister. This is getting way to gross.

Niall could see the disgusted look on my face and laughed. "Follow my lead," he told me, and before I had time to ask, he ran over too the pool and cannon balled right next to them, getting them soaked. Before they had time to react, I laughed and did the same thing.

I really had the best boyfriend.

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