Chapter 10.

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Dylan's POV

After we got back and unpacked, Liam said he was going to some educational thing, so he went to his room to get changed. I got bored and zoned out, infact, I think everyone zoned out when he was talking about it. I was kind of hoping Niall would take Liam's awesome advice and take me out on a date, but I mean, take your time.

"Do you want to do something tonight?" He asked me snapping me out of my trail of thoughts.

I smiled. "Like a date?" I asked and he smiled and nodded. "Yes! What do I need to wear?" Well, Niall if you can read my mind, thank you!

"Someone semi-fancy. I suggest a dress." He winked at me. "I'll go get changed, alright babe?" He kissed my cheek and I rushed to my room where Mason was.

"Vas happenin?" She said making me chuckle. I needed her help. She might not usually wear make-up, but she can sure apply it like a professional, and while she would do that, I could do my hair! Perfect!

"Make-up? I have a date!" She groaned and then went to her make-up collection. Can we discuss the fact that once for Christmas, Mom got her literally every make-up product she would ever need, no exageration, in the hopes that she would finally use make-up like an adult, and most of it still has the seal on it. FROM MAC. What?

"Well, what are you wearing?" She asked, and I panicked.

"I don't know! Can I borrow something! I can't think of anything I want to wear.." This made her groan again, and I laughed but she shot me a glare.

"So you're going to leave me alone tonight?" She asked while looking through her closet. I nodded with a sympathetic smile.

"Have one of the boys come over and keep you company! Just no funny buisness!" I said shooting her a glare and she rolled her eyes.

"Yes mother." She said in an annoyed tone and pulled out my favorite of her dresses. It was red with a rose patterned shoulder strap. She hated it on her, so I use it, but she keeps it in her closet. She's weird.

"Oh thank you! Okay, so make-up!" I said and she came over grabbing a seat and sat me down on the bed. She opened the box of make-up and pulled out a bunch of make-up. I hope she does it good.. first date, not clown college.

After a good 10 minutes, she was finally done. I looked in the mirror. I had red lips which I managed to pull off, lightly blushed cheeks, winged eye make-up but nothing too extreme, and my eye lashes looked double the size. I gave her a hug and finished the remainder of my hair that I lightly curled. She smiled and clapped in our success, I mean, I looked hot. I went out and saw Niall in the living room waiting for me. He must have heard my heels against the floor, because once I came out he took his eyes off his phone and onto me.

"You look beautiful!" He said getting up, straightening out the black suit he put on.

"Thanks.." I said in a small voice, blushing.

"MAKE-UP CREDIT!" Mason called out from our room but I closed the door in a response. I heard her sigh, which made us laugh.

"Well, shall we go?" Niall asked and I responded in a nod. He had a taxi ready outside, and he helped me in. He handed the cab driver a piece of paper and the cab driver opened it and smiled.

After a half hour in this creepy cab, we finally got to where Niall set up our date. I had no idea where he was taking me, but then I realized it.. He was taking me on the London Eye..

"Thank you, Sir." Niall said helping me out of the cab. They had a special car for us to ride in, and I was starstruck. Not only did we get to go on the London Eye, skip the huge line, ride alone, but we also get a special cab! The doors opened and there was a table with two chairs and Nandos. Only Niall.

"Oh my God.." I gasped, this was the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me. He took my hand and took me into the car.

"I hope you like this.." He said worried that I only said one thing.

"Niall, this is the perfect date. I couldn't ask for any more. This is the sweetest thing anyone has ever done for me.. I love it." I said kissing his cheek.

"I'm glad, because this is just the beginning." He said kissing my lips. I was so lucky!

We got home from our date and Harry and Mason were sitting on the couch, cuddling. "Comfortable?" I asked breaking up their moment. They automatically seperated and had a huge space between them, so Niall and I sat inbetween them.

"How was your, uh.. how was your date?" Mason stumbled out, still nervous.

"Great, Niall took me on the London Eye." I said excited. Mason looked jealous and Harry looked mad that he didn't think of it. Sorry that Niall's just awesome!

"I'll need to take lessons from you Niall!" Harry said nudging Niall.

"Do you have someone that you want to take on a date?" Mason asked Harry smiling, and Harry smirked.

"In fact, I do." He winked at her, and Niall and I just sat there watching it.

"Harold, don't make us put you on a leesh!" Niall said, and then mouthed to him "She's off limits." Harry pouted and so did Mason. Then Harry pulled out his phone and two seconds later, Mason did too and smiled at her phone. I looked at it and it was a text from Harry saying 'we'll make it work.' That's enough.

"I'm not blind, I can read texts." I said to them, Niall looking confused. I gave him a 'tell-you-about-it-later' look. They sighed.

"Please, just be okay with it.." Mason said, so what are they dating now?

"Okay with what?" I asked, honestly I didn't know what it was.

"The fact that I'm not 10, I'm 16. I can like whoever I want and I can date whoever I want. Not that Harry and I are dating, but you can't say I'm off limits." She snapped and I just shrugged it off. She was right.

"Talk to Liam about it. It wasn't my idea." I said returning my attention to the TV. She was surprised, but then I moved over to where she was sitting, pulling Niall with me so she could sit with Harry. Who am I to limit her? I'm not Mom, and Mom wouldn't do that.

"That was easier than expected." Harry said to her making her laugh and then they kissed. Ugh, this was going to take some time to get used to.

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