Chapter 6.

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Dylan's POV

After Harry left the apartment like a baby, dragging Louis and Zayn along with him, I didn't even want to think about what had just happened between him and my sister. Liam offered to take Mason to dinner, and that was probably good for her. He was really trying to help her get better, which I was greatful for. With him looking out for her part of the time, that meant that I wasnt the only family member she had left that she liked. They left and I had the flat to myself. Of all the things I could've thought to do, watch the movie I picked out, listen to music as loud as I want, all I really wanted to do was cry. So that's what I did. Ever since Mom, Daddy and Ryan died, I've been strong. I've tried not to show how hurt I was so that Mason wouldn't have a reason to be more upset. That's what an older sister is supposed to do. But now no one was here and I could finally let it all out. I laid down on the couch, buried my head in a throw pillow and cried, not caring that my mascara was probably staining the pillow. I was angry, and sad and hurt and annoyed and I didnt care about anything else. For the first time I let myself not care. My entire life had revolved around my family. My mom was my best friend, and I told her everything. She knew about every boy I liked, she knew about my first kiss, and I told her in detail about all the school dances I went to. She taught me how to braid my hair, and bake cookies, and I helped her fold laundry, and wash dishes and cook dinner. My dad was my super hero. When I was younger he would let me ride on his shoulders and taught me how to swim and ride a two-wheeler. He showed me how to golf, and then he started taking me to the golf course on the weekend instead of going with his friends. Or he let me join them. Ryan was my everything. If he saw I was upset, he would watch sad movies with me and bring me ice cream. Him, Mason and I would go on "camping trips" to the backyard. When I was six and he was four, I would dress him up like a doll. I miss them. I miss them so much. And now I'll never get to see them again.

I felt a hand on my shoulder.  "Is everything okay?" Niall asked me in a small voice. I gave him a small smile, and wiped under my eyes.

"No, it's not." I said, not bothering to lie. I mean, I've been crying on his sofa for about ten minutes now, I was obviously upset. Also, my parents and brother just died a week ago, its not like I didnt have an excuse to be upset or anything. I sat up, and hugged my knees against my chest. He wrapped his arm around my and kissed my hair.

"I know it isnt, that was a dumb question." He said in a small voice.

"No it wasn't, it's not like I've been too upfront about this.. I just didnt want Mason to see me so upset. But since she's out with Liam, I just, I just broke down.." I started to cry again. I must look really cute right now. He just held me and rubbed my arm. He was smart not to say anything, because nothing he could've said would've made me feel better. Sometimes just touching is better than speaking.

"Niall?" I asked him. He looked down at me. "Thanks for being there for me..It really means alot." He smiled.

"No problem, Love." he said. I giggled out loud. Which was probably a stupid thing to do, but I couldn't help it. Niall Horan just called me 'Love'. I mean I know I was living in his apartment and all, but little things like that still made my heart race.

"Am I missing something, whats funny here?" he asked. I blushed.

"No not at all, I'm sorry. It's just..I was actually a pretty big One Direction fan before I came here, and the fact that you're..them is just a bit surreal." I said shyly. He laughed.

"Oh, were you! Now..if you were such a big fan, there must've been at least one of us you fancied.." He said winking and I blushed. Again. I seriously never blush so I really don't know what's gotten into me right now. But he asked me if there was one of them I had a crush on, and the truth is, there was. Him.

"There was.." I said trailing off. Did I really have to tell him I had a little fan girl crush on him, before I even really knew him? Especially since now that I actually do know him he seems great. He's such a nice guy, and he's the only one of the boys that noticed how broken I am over my families death, and not just Mason. And maybe I really did like him now, so did I want to spoil that and tell him I used to fangirl over pictures of him, and squeal when he sang his solos? Yeah, no.

"Who was it?!" he asked, slightly excited. This boy just wasnt going to give up, was he? "Do you still like them, was it Harry? All the girls always like Harry.." I laughed.

"I'm not telling you! But no, it wasnt Harry," Now I was really laughing. He looked anxious to find out who it was and he made this puppy dog face that was really cute. "I'm really not going to tell you," I said. He sighed.

"Fine, but I'm only letting this go since you were so upset!" Oh right, I was upset. He had made me almost totally forget I was so sad before. Then he had to go and remind me. Thanks alot, Niall.. I guess he could tell that I instantly got depressed, and he wrapped his arms around me and I nuzzled my face into his neck. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked. I thought about it for a minute. Did I want to talk about it? I never really said how I felt about it out loud, and it would probably feel good to get it off my chest. The only two I would probably feel comfortable talking about it with was Liam or Niall, and since Liam was out with Mason right now, Niall was my only option. I nodded my head without looking up. He sat there patiently, still holding me, waiting for me to talk. I straightened myself out a little, and turned to face him to talk to him.

"The earliest memory I have with my parents, was when I was almost two years old. I know alot of people dont think you can remember that early in your life, but this day, I remember it so well. It was the day they told me my mom was pregnant with Mason and Ryan. I remember being so happy that I was going to have a little brother and sister, and I wasnt jealous at all, like most little kids are when they learn theres going to be a new baby in the house. I was just happy to finally have other kids to play with." I stopped talking for a moment, and grabbed the necklace around my neck to show Niall. "They gave me this necklace the day the twins were born. It's a locket, and inside is a picture of Mason, Ryan and I. I havent taken it off since they gave it to me, and now I never will. My family was my whole life, Niall. I mean, I had other friends at school, and I've had a few boyfriends. But my family has always been what matters most to me. I remember thinking about how lucky I was to be so close to my family, and nothing would ever seperate us. I never thought.. I never thought they would die so young. I mean, I know eventually everyone has to die. But you like to think that when you go, it will be when you're old and in bed and you're ready. They werent ready. Ryan was only sixteen..he hadn't really lived yet. Now he'll never be in love, or get married or have children. And what about me? I dont mean to be selfish, but I cant help it. Now I'll never dance with my dad at my wedding, and he cant walk me down the aisle. My mother will never get to hold her grandchildren. They won't see me graduate college..And I need them. I need them with me. They've always been there and now they're just..not." I sobbed. He stroked my hair and waited for me to say more. When I didnt, he started to talk.

"Dylan, I know this is really hard for you. I know. You've been so strong for so long, and it's good you're letting it out. But you're mom, dad and brother, they want you to keep living. They want you to be happy. They're in a better place now, and they're watching you and Mason, and making sure nothing will hurt you girls again. You're just as loved now as you were when they were with you, maybe even more. The boys and I, we're here. Liam wants to help you girls so bad, and so do I. You're such a special girl, Dylan, and you don't deserve this much pain. But I'm here. I'll help you through this." Okay, if I wasnt crying before, I was crying now.

"That is seriously the nicest thing that anyone has ever told me.." I muttered as I laid my head on his chest.

"Then I'm glad I said it." He smiled. I looked into his eyes. Until right now, I didnt realize how beautiful his eyes where. He looked into mine, and we just stayed there, neither of us speaking.

"You have the most gorgeous eyes I've ever seen.." he said without really thinking. I laughed. I never really thought much about my eyes. They were green, which was kind of unique I guess but I never thought the color was that pretty.

"I was kind of just thinking the same about you." I said in a small voice. He smiled. "Remember, before, when you asked if there was one of the boys I liked the most.." I asked him. He nodded his head.

I wanted to tell him it was him. I had to. But I didnt know how. I'm never good at moments like these. So instead of ruining it with my words, I kissed him.

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