Chapter 13.

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Mason's POV

"I want to go to Magic Kingdom!" I shouted into the pile of ideas of where we should go today. Niall and Dyl wanted to go to Epcot, Louis, Liam and Zayn wanted to go to Hollywood Studios and Harry and I wanted to go to Magic Kingdom.

"Wait, why don't we just split up today?" Louis suggested making me want to hug him.

"Sounds good! Let's go!" Harry said starting to head towards the door, and I followed him. Luckily everyone followed without an argument.

We finally got to the park and Harry grabbed my hand and started leading me to a place like he knew where he was going.

"Just tell me where you're taking me!" I said laughing, trying to push it out of him. He wasn't telling me, but I could tell he was getting lost.

"Nope!" He said popping the 'p.' "We're almost there!" He said squeezing my hand. I smiled, not because he was holding my hand, not because I was with him, not because it was Harry Styles, but because we could. We didn't have to worry about Liam, we could do this kind of stuff. "Alright.." He said stopping and sitting down at a bench. I snapped out of my train of thought and sat down next to him, looking next to us at Cinderella's Castle. It's so pretty, I love it. Ugh, someone make me Cinderella. I want to live there.

"I love Cinderella's Castle.. it's my favorite thing about Disney World." I said smiling at the castle. It was so beautiful.

"I figured this would be the best place to do this." He said pausing, and letting go of my hand. Is he going to tell me he doesn't like me anymore? Oh my god.. I don't like this anymore. "From the moment I met you, I knew I wanted you. It killed me to see you upset, but when you are happy, you give your happiness to me too. When you smile, I realize how lucky I am to even know you. I'm so lucky I got to meet you, and I'm so lucky that you like me. Mason, I want to treat you like a princess, my princess. Will you be my girlfriend?" He said looking deep into my eyes the whole time. I'm sure my face was as red as a tomato, and I felt a tear fall down my face. This was perfect, the fact that he brought me here was perfect, what he said, everything. I couldn't ask for more.

"Of course! I would love that, Harry.." I said hugging him. He pulled back from the hug and kissed me, smiling multiple times throughout it.

"Alright, as perfect as this moment is, there are children here, and I can only imagine one of them seeing their favorite singer kissing some random girl." I said laughing, making him laugh too, and kissing the tip of my nose.

"Just one problem-" He started but I knew what he was about to say.

"Liam." He nodded. "I'll talk to him.." I said frowning. I really didn't want to.. At all.

"You don't have to do it alone.." Harry said grabbing my hand, but I shook my head.

"It's something that I should do alone. But in the meantime, let's go on rides!" I said standing up and pulling him with me. He let go of my hand and wrapped his arm around me instead, putting his hat on my head.

"IT'S A SMALL WORLD!" He shouted but I groaned. I've heard it's full of scary dolls..

"Harry, I'm scared.." I said getting into the ride. The dolls freaked me out..

"It's just dolls.." He said laughing at me. Yeah, keep laughing when one of them come out and kill you!

"They're scary." I said pouting.

"It's alright baby, I'm here." He said putting his arm around me, pulling me into his chest. Alright, we ended up making out the whole ride. Sue me.

"Alright, well maybe that wasn't as scary as I expected it to be.." I said laughing coming out of the ride. He winked at me and dragged me to the next ride. "The tea cups? Seriously?" I said laughing at him, but he looked at me with a serious face.

"This is the manilest ride you'll ever ride. At least with me. I hope you don't get dizzy too easily." He said nudging me, getting into a pink tea cup. What? Did you think riding the manilest ride we weren't going to get the manilest colored tea cup? Who do you think we are?

After the tea cups we went to Space Mountain, then Splash Mountain, then Price Charming's regal carrousel, and then the magic carpets of Aladdin. I guess you can call us rebels.

"If we go back now, we could go down to the pool for a while. I bet no one else is there." Harry said wrapping his arm around me.

"Sounds good!" I said smiling. We went back to the hotel and got changed into our bathing suits. I wore a navy bikini from Hollister. I put on a sheer cover up and my hair in a bun and ran out to the living room where he was waiting. "To the pool!" I shouted grabbing his hand and running out the door.

Surprisingly the pool was empty, which I honestly didn't expect. He jumped in right away, but I took my time getting in. Once I was used to the water, I swam over to him and he pulled onto him, my legs wrapped around his waist, my arms wrapped around his neck. "This was the best day of my life." He said kissing my lips.

"Mine too." I said before crashing my lips into his. I felt his tounge lick my bottom lip and I allowed it enterance. We must have made out for a good 10 minutes, catching breaths here and there until we were interupted.

"CANNON BALL!" Niall said jumping into the pool very close next to us, Dylan doing the same. Thanks guys. Whatever, it didn't ruin my day.

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