Chapter 4.

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Dylan's POV

I looked over at Liam when Harry was talking to Ryan. He looked so tense, so angry. I knew exactly what he was thinking, so good for him! Go Liam! We got back to the house and Mason went to our room to change into sweats, but I decided to stay for what was going to happen. I knew Liam was going to say something to the boys, and I wanted to stay just for the fun of it.

"Boys, we need to have a talk. Dylan, you don't have to stay if you don't want to.." Liam said. Here it comes! Who called it?

"No, no. I want to hear this." I said, mentally laughing.

"Okay, well I think I should set some ground rules with Mason." He stared right at Harry and I wanted to burst out laughing. I'm rude.. I get it. But it's better now with the boys that I feel more comfortable and at home, it's helping me get over what's happening.

"No rules for me? Gosh darnit!" I said snapping my fingers, making the boys laugh except for Liam. "Oh, sorry, continue Mr. Payne!" I said making everyone but him laugh again but I shushed everyone like the teacher's pet.

"Anywayyyyyyyy, as I was saying. I feel like it's my job to be the Ryan in Mason's life and protect her." He started, but I wanted to hit him. I know he didn't mean to say he wanted to replace Ry, but that's how it came out. Whatever, I'll let this one pass. "Therefore, I want to declare her off limits to date."

"Do you really have a say in that?" Harry asked. Oh, does Harold have a crush on Mason?

"I think I do.." Liam said defensively. He and Mason have definitely been bonding, so I don't think it was out of place of him at all to say that, but I feel like if anyone should have said it, it should have been me.

"I agree.." I said, rather hesitantly. Liam and I shared a smile but Harry just got annoyed.

"I don't think that's fair. Shouldn't she have a say? She's 16." Harry pouted. This was rather funny..

"No, I think she's too young to have a say. If Dylan agrees, I don't think any of you should date her." He turned towards me, and I felt the pressure.

"I, I agree." I said getting up and walking towards my room. I heard the front door slam and I looked back to see it was Harry. I felt bad, I didn't want to do that.. But I didn't want to disappoint Liam. Ugh, dilemmas.

"Are you decent?" I asked before walking into the room.

"Yeah!" She called out before opening the door for me. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course!" I said walking into the room as she closed the door behind me. Oh, this question is top secret!

"Did you see them?" Oh crap. What happened today was she was giving her speech and then she started staring at 'nothing' and made a huge scene.

"See who?" I played dumb.

"Stop, you know what I'm talking about. Was that just me? I saw Ry in Louis.." She asked very seriously, something I've seen too much of lately.

"Honestly?" I asked, she nodded. "I didn't. I believe that you did see them, I do. Everyone does." She seemed almost relaxed.

"I think that was their goodbye to me. Have you seen them at all?" She asked, and I immediatly froze. I have actually, which is why I knew she did. See, I knew where they died, what intersection, but I told Mason that we didn't know so she wouldn't be scarred forever. But one day, I went to the intersection, and I saw them, and then I didn't see them again, and that was their goodbye to me, I guess. It was weird, but it kept me calm knowing they're okay, which sounds dumb since they're dead.

"Yeah, one day. But I don't want to talk about this." I said getting up out of the room and went out to the patio to sit. Always avoiding the situation, good plan Dyl.

"Can I sit here?" A Irish voice asked me. I looked back and nodded. He took a seat and placed it next to mine. I looked over and smiled. "Are you okay?"

"Why?" What did I just say?

"You had your family's funeral today, and Mason freaked out.." He said sternly. I'm glad he didn't laugh like Louis would.

"They said their goodbye to Mason, and she wasn't ready for it. But they already said goodbye to me." He looked a bit confused but I gave him a 'don't-worry-about-it" look. I felt his hand grab mine, and I looked down at it and his eyes.

"I'm here for you, you know? Everyone's been focused on Mason, no one really asked you how you feel about this." he said, making me smile a bit.

"I'm just scared. I feel like I have to take care of her and I can't take care of myself." Who feels a venting session coming on? I do! "She's been on the edge so much, and it makes me think only about her and not myself."

"That's what I expected you to say, honestly. I know you have way more to say, so I want you to know, I'm here to listen." He said gripping my hand. I hugged him tightly for a few minutes.

"Thank you Niall, I need that right now." I said releasing from the hug, and realizing Zayn was watching us.

"So, when's this going to happen?" Zayn said pointing at me and Niall. I laughed out loud. Congrats Zayn, you got me to lol.

"When's this going to happen?" I said pointing between Zayn and Niall. They looked confused but I put on my best 'oh-please' face. "Haven't you ever heard of Ziall?" I said walking back into the house, leaving them laughing. I was looking back at their priceless faces when I bumped into Harry.

"We need to talk." He said pulling me into Liam and Niall's room. You know, I have a bedroom too, Harold.

"Ahh, you're back! I thought you stormed out! Well, what is it?" I asked innocently. I was just having so much fun today messing with people. Stop, Dylan. That's not nice!

"Why can't I date her? What if she likes me?" He probably asked 50 more of these questions but I'll be honest, I zoned out after the first two. I was counting the number of shamrocks there was in the room once I realized he finished talking.

"Well, from what I've heard, you're a player. Also, you dated that Flack chick who was 15 years older than you. Imagine Mason dating a 1 year old. That was your relationship with that girl. And she's too sensitive right now for a relationship." I said before sitting up and trying to leave. He sat me back down. Yay.

"You've heard wrong. I'm a flirt, but not a player. And so what if I've dated an older woman? I was ready for it. And she might be sensitive, but I want to help her." I wanted to laugh when he said he was ready for the relationship with Caroline Flack. Please, son. I watched you in the X-Factor, I know how immature you were/are. You weren't ready.

"Help her as a friend." I said and then basically booked it out of that room. To my surprise, I say this sarcastically, he stormed out of the house again, slamming the door and sending Mason out of our room.

"So many slamming doors today." She said laughing a bit. She's definitely seemed more relaxed after the whole inncident at the church. Thank God. Literally! (A/N Please give me credit for that. I didn't even set that one up. Bazinga.)

"So many moody people!" I said and, again sarcastically speaking, to my surprise, Mr. Harold Edward Styles walked back into the house! Woah! It's like deja vu! Magic, it's gotta be!

"Mason, can we talk?" He asked all politely and innocently. She nodded and went into our room with him.

"Glad I got such a nice invite to talk to him." I said to myself sarcastically, recieving a weird look from Niall. But I didn't care about the look I got from Niall, I cared more about what they were talking about in there.

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