Chapter 2.

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Mason's POV

"We're here!" Karen said as we pulled into a huge driveway.

"You said this was a flat?" I asked. It defintely wasn't small enough to be an apartment. It looked like a house.

"It's smaller than most flats out here." Geoff said shrugging. I grabbed two bags, Dylan grabbing the other two. She had this blank expression on her face, although I'm sure mine wasn't any better. Everything that reminded me of them made me cry, infact, I feel the tears coming now.. We entered the 'flat' and I just looked down at my feet. The living room looked like Ryan's man cave that I would spend all day in. I wanted to leave. I wanted to just go home and return to my normal life with Ryan, Mom and Dad. I ran to the nearest bedroom, dropping my bags and jumped onto the bed. I started crying as I heard a knock on the door. I threw my hand around in the air in attempt at signaling a 'go-away-i-don't-want-to-talk-to-anyone' kind of thing, but whoever it was thought of it as an invitation to come in and sit on the bed with me.

"Were you close to them?" A husky voice asked me. It was almost familiar sounding, but I threw that thought away in my mind. How would I know who it was unless it was Geoff, Karen, or Dylan, which it definitely wasn't. I nodded and slowly made my way up and sat on the bed, facing away to the stranger who was attempting at comforting me. It wasn't working.

"I'm Liam. I guess we're cousins." He said, chuckling a bit.

"I'm Mason. And I was close to them. I really didn't have any other friends other than my sister. It's just extremely hard for me." I said crying more as I felt his muscular arms wrap around me. After a minute, I pulled away and looked at him. My mouth created an O shape, but it was soon ruined by my crying. It all made sense. Her son Liam and his friend Niall, the One Direction CD, everything.

"I'm in a band-" He started, and I cut him off. Please, I know this.

"One Direction." I stated, rather plainly. I wasn't in the mood to fangirl. On a normal day I would scream and cry of happiness, but the only screaming and crying I'll be doing is of sadness and anger.

He nodded. "You don't have to sit in here, you know?" He said and I stood up and walked into the living room where Niall and Dylan were sitting.

"Where did they go?" I asked kind of mad. I wanted to at least say goodbye to my aunt and uncle.

"They left, they had to go to work." Dylan said patting the couch cushion next to her indicating I should sit next to her, and I did.

"So." I said sternly. I hate being so mean, so plain, so empty. But I hate seeing my family dead and seeing myself alone in this battle as Dylan doesn't seem to be so affected by this.

"I'm Niall.." Niall said getting up to shake my hand. I didn't accept the handshake and I nodded.

"Mason." I heard Niall giggle.

"Why do you both have boy names?" He said laughing. Are you freaking kidding me?

"Liam, where am I staying?" I asked not acknowlegding Niall. Liam pointed to a room, giving Niall a dirty look.

"Kay bye." I said standing up.

"Leaving already?" Niall asked innocently.

"No, shut up. Are you not aware of what happened today, Niall? My parents and brother died. Dylan might not be phased by it, but I am. They were my life. And you're laughing at my name that my parents picked out because my dads middle name was Mason. That's what he left with me, his name. So just leave me alone okay?" I said before running into my room and slamming the door. I started crying and called the only number I would call in a time like this. Ryan's.

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