Chapter 7.

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Mason's POV

Liam and I wlked into the house and went into the living room where we found Niall and Dylan watching TV. I decided to join them and plopped myself down on the chair. So graceful, so cute.

"Is this our first time alone? The boys have been here everyday.." I said making the weird observation. Do they not have their own flats?

"I guess so.." Liam said realizing it as well. Niall and Dylan shared weird looks at each other and didn't say anything.

"What are you guys hiding?" I said in my detective voice.

"We may have invited the boys over for a sleepover.." Niall said using a small voice. Just as he said it, Louis burst into the flat screaming "SUPERMAN!" With a sleeping bag and pillow. Zayn followed him just as excited, and Harry followed sitting on the arm of my chair and smiled at me.

"Well, I guess we should build a fort to sleep in!" Liam said. That surprised me, I expected Liam to be like 'NO! Go home now, and dust everything on your way out! Meh!' But he surprised me! Yay Liam!

10 minutes and many failed forts later, we finally had the coolest fort I've ever seen. And when there's something that's awesome, you tweet it, right?

'MasonMannings: look at this killer fort that @onedirection and @DylPickles made. I guess you could say we're great fort makers!'

We all set up our pillows and I ran and got all of our duvet covers. The way we set it up was weird, but what do you expect with this group? Harry and I had one corner, Zayn had a corner to himself, Niall and Dylan took the corner next to me, Louis slept in the middle, and Liam had the corner next to Zayn. So we were all sleeping around Louis, which was going to be hard because he doesn't sleep.

"Did someone tweet a picture of this?" Niall said looking through his tumblr dashboard seeing pictures of the fort. (A/N I don't think Niall actually has a Tumblr, but that's why it's called a fan fiction!) I pulled out my phone and decided this was nessecary. I texted myself and my text notification went off. It was Shaggy singing "Wasn't Me!" Louis started singing the song, and eventually the topic was dropped and avoided! Until they looked at my Twitter. Sorry!

"Let's play a game!" Louis said joining the circle so we weren't circled around him.

"What game?" I asked him and he shrugged.

"Vas happenin Truth or Dare?!" Liam shouted, making me and Harry laugh hysterically. I'm serious, I almost peed myself. Ew, that would have been awkward seeing I was sitting on Harry's pillow.

"ME FIRST!" Louis shouted making Niall groan, and me continue laughing.

"Truth or dare Louis?" Dylan said, which surprised me. She never liked playing these games because she was always scared of someone finding out something about her. Wimp!

"DARE!" He shouted, making me wonder if he is aware of the thing called inside voices.

"I dare you to go without eating carrots for a week!" She said and I gasped. That was a good dare! But everyone else just shrugged.

"I don't even like carrots anymore.." He said, making me question my direction infection.. "Mason, truth or dare?" I started blushing for some weird reason, but whatever.

"Truth." I said proudly recieving a nod from Liam and everyone else's eye rolling.

"If you were a directioner, tell us how badly the direction infection was." Crap. I ducked my head down and I started.

"Bad. I had a wall just pull of posters, for school, I had the 1D notebooks, I cried everytime I couldn't get a concert ticket, everytime 1D was mentioned in school, everyone would turn around to me because they knew I was the biggest directioner." I said my face as red as a tomato. I looked up and everyone was frozen and then started laughing hysterically.

"No, Mason. Tell the whole truth. The Harry thing!" Dylan said as Harry put his arm around my waist and squeezed my side. I looked up at him and shook my head.

"I convinced myself that I was going to date you." I said putting my head in my hands.

"Mason..." Dylan said making me want to hit her.

"And I may have or may have not defaced pictures of Caroline Flack during the X-Factor." I said making everyone laugh, especially Harry.

"It's okay, I do that now!" He said rubbing my back. I laughed and relaxed.

After a good hour of playing the most ridiculous game of truth or dare I have ever expirienced, mostly everyone fell asleep. I couldn't however, along with Louis and Harry. We all snuck out of the fort and went into my room and closed the door so we could talk without waking them up.

"We need to pull a prank on them.." Louis said making me smile. He was just like Ryan.

"Agreed! So Mason, give us your phone number and we'll give you ours and then we'll do a three way call and use them as walkey talkeys." Harry said, making me smile. I just got Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles' numbers!

"Alright, here's the plan. We're going to take all the spoons and put them on Liam's bed-" Louis started but I cut him off. I have the perfect thing for Dylan.

"For Dyl, hide all of her hair brushes! They're like her babies!" I said with an evil laugh.

"Take Zayn's mirror out of his pocket and put something over all of the mirrors in the house. Like a towel or a sheet." Harry said repeating the evil laugh I had done.

"We shouldn't do anything to Niall, because he was the last one to go to bed. We should prank ourselves so it's like we set Niall up! They'll never know it's us!" I said and they gave me high fives. I'm smart.

"Alright, Harry.. you're going to need to take a risk." I said and he had a worried expression on his face. I went to my vanity and pulled out my hair straightener. "I'm sorry.." I said as I started to straighten his hair. I think he cried a little.

"Louis, what do we even do to you?" Harry said pulling his hair back into a beanie for the time being.

"Go on my twitter, tweet some weird stuff." He said handing me his phone. I went to his contacts first and changed my name to "Mason the Great." and then went to his twitter.

'@NiallOfficial Is the hottest guy I've ever met. He's so clever and funny! LOVE ME!'

'Oh my god, I'm totally over @Harry_Styles, it's time for @NiallOfficial to get his fair share of bromance!'

I stopped after that because we were almost peeing ourselves of laughter. Harry's hair was just too ridiculous for me to handle.

"What about you?" Harry asked me, and I handed him a box. He looked inside and found all of these defaced Caroline Flack pictures.

"Spread them around the house. It's something Niall would do." I said before we each took different jobs. I put towels and sheets on every mirror, Louis spread the spoons and pictures of Caroline Flack, Harry hid all of Dylan's hair stuff. This was great. ]

Once we were done, we climbed back into the fort and smiled at each other.

"It was nice working with you." I said saluting them. I laid down and found myself cuddling with Harry, but I didn't stop any of it, I just laid there happy.

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