Chapter 1 Day 1💍

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Third pov

" I'm giving you five days. Starting tomorro- "

" you can't be fuckin- "

Tsunade slams her hand on her desk and stood up
" you will watch your tone and language with me, Uchiha!! "

Sasuke frowned.
' So loud and upset for no reason. ' Sasuke thought to hiself

She spoke again
" I'm tired of I'm giving you five days to find that person, if you already have a person in mind then use this time to "

" and if I refuse? " Sasuke asked, testing her like he always does.

You would think Sasuke learned his lesson the last time he pissed her off. She made him clean all the ANBU armor and weapons for 6 months stright

But until this day he still tries her.

" if you refuse, I'll will be the one that picks out your bride and will make sure she isn't as pretty as you. "

Sasuke threw a sharp glare at her
" you can't do that. "

" I can. Just be happy that I'm being nice and letting you pick out your on bride- "

Sasuke snaped
" Bullshit!! "

"  Damn it Uchiha!! What did I say!?! "

' Watch my mouth~ ' Sasuke mocked her in his thoughts

" I'm leaving. " he said out loud to her.

When Sasuke made it half way out the room he could hear the old lady yell out something about his five days.

" should've gave me a month." Sasuke nothing.
He finally made it out the building only to bump into the last person he wanted to see right now.

" Ah! Sasuke-kun, it's so weird meeting you here~ "

Sasuke gave his old team mate a annoyed look
" it's not weird... "

He pushed passed her harshely. If anyone had to guess what female Sasuke haven't selpt with (or refuses to) Yet. Everyone would say Sakura Haruno.

Sasuke felt like she's been on the tip of his dick since they was 6. He didn't like the fact that Sakura followed him around like a lost child. When they got older Sakura became more confident in her feelings for him, and Sasuke clearly seen that but he still pretened like he didn't know and just played stupid until this day.

Sasuke thought about if he had her as his wife
' I wouldn't even bother coming home. ' he thought to his self

Sasuke made it into the Uchiha property were it was so quiet all you could hear was the breeze coming and going. He didn't bother fixing his clan sign: as in repainting because he never had a reason too

Sasuke looked up at it. The colors on it had died so long ago, the cracks on it had gotten worse as time went on.

Its been Over two years he had came back to the hidden leaf. The only thing he took the time to fix was his house his family and him use to live in, he also picked up all the old blood and weapons, he had too actually. He didn't want to walk back to his house everday to see something that happen so manys years ago. It was only going to whine him up again.

Sasuke began to think deeper about the situation he was in. He looked up to the blue sky and said
" it feels...out of place to marry someone that not from the same clan mother, but there's no other choice since everyone is dead. " Sasuke said out loud flatly.

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