Chapter 8 Bad touch💍

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Naruto POV
I dragged Sakura into the kitchen where Sasuke was, his back was turned to us. It seemed he was focused on the food he was making, it actually was smelling pretty good it made me wonder what he was Cooking.
" Oi, Sasuke." I called him

He glance at me then his dark eyes moved to the person that stood beside me, Sakura. He frowns and gave me a pissed off look. I was confused, what did I do now, so I mouthed the word what to him but he just turns his gaze away.

" Sasuke-kun, i was walking by and I thought I should drop of some freshly picked tomatoes for you." She made sure to hold the black bag in front of her to basically show it to him, to show that she wasn't lying i guess.
Sasuke took a good long minute while starring at the bag then he turns away with a " Hn."

I bite my lip at Sasuke being so damn mean. I looked over to see Sakura sad expression on her face. So did what any other friend would do.

I moved to stand in front of her
" here, let me take that from you. " I take the bag from her hands and she surprisingly lets me. But I just couldn't leave it at that so I said
" would you like to stay for dinner?" I asked out loud.

Now two things happened at the same time when I said this.

One; Sakura expression on her face lighten up a little with a smile.

Two; from behind me I heard a dish being slammed into the sink.

I turned around with a confused look. " hey, hey we have to eat on that so stop being so abusive towards the plats." I said pointing a firm finger at the bastard.

He Snarled at me and started to murmur to his self. I couldn't hear him, what I do know he looked hella crazy from where I stood for sure.

While Leaving Sakura side, leaving her to take out the tomatoes and put them on the table, I gladly made my way over to Sasuke.
" when will the food be done?" I asked when putting my hand on his shoulder, As soon as I did this he grabbed my hand from off him, squeezing it and then twisting my wrist. I didn't scream instead I made a OW face with my mouth making a O and without no sound coming out. The reason why I didn't want to scream out was because I didn't want to alert Sakura that was right behind us, that we were fighting.

" you damn idiot, letting people in the house without thinking twice-"

I pinched his hand really hard, he also didn't make a sound either instead he just sharply pulled away.
" it's not like she's a stranger." I whispered back.

" no, she's fucking nosy. And if she finds out—I don't give a fuck no more, that's your ass."

" still don't see your point. It's not like we're going to tell her-"

" no, your stupid ass is." He said cutting over me. " you talk to much, your going to slip up if you don't stop and think." He said to me.

" don't call me stupid, your stupid. You're the one that wants this, ain't it bad for you too if it gets out?" I said having a little side grin on my face

He glared at me with a frown
" get out of my face."

Here we go again. I held in my laugh
" or...what?" I said trying his patients like I always did

" set up the damn table and stop trying to piss me off before I make you sleep on the couch tonight." He warned me in a sharp whisper. I just narrowed my eyes and just did what I was told. It wasn't that I didn't want to sleep on the couch, I just didn't want to sleep in that  cold cold ass living room.

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