Chapter 6 From Uzamaki to a Uchiha💍

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Third POV 💍💍9:30pm💍💍

Naruto walked down the quite hallway. Naruto never really been all the way in Sasuke's house, he only went as far as only in his living room and that was basically right by the front door.

The place wasn't huge but it wasn't small either.
Naruto felt it was too big for only one person to live in on their own. He wondered if Sasuke ever felt lonely, he know he would be.

Speaking of Sasuke, Naruto hasn't seen him since they arrived here, well since Sasuke handed him some comfortable clothes to sleep in.

' I think I might have lost him...' Naruto thought.
The reason why Naruto left the Uchiha's side was because he was told to go change into the clothes he was given in the bathroom.

It's been 3 minutes since he's been wandering around
' i think i might be lost..' Naruto thought again. It was like he was finding everything else but the bathroom.

Naruto realized that the house was old Fashion because all of the doors were slid open ones and some of them were push open too but not even one had a door knob that you had to twist to open.

Naruto eventually got tired of walking around looking stupid so he decided to slid open every single door until he came across the Teme's bathroom. And he did find it after another 5 minutes later

The bathroom was white, all white, super white, sparkly white that it almost burned off Naruto's eyes off

When Naruto step in, the white tile floor was so cold. To his left there was a shower class door, it wasn't clear almost blurry so you could see a person if they were in there but you wouldn't be able to see anything.

Right when you walk in the bathroom the sink was on the right and the mirror was big that he could see his face all the way down to his waste and if he would've stood back some more he can see his upper thighs.
Naruto wasn't going to sit there and lie, it did amazed him how big it was. His old one back home was small, all you could see was his face. it's been mistaken as a medicine cabinet multiple times.

Then there was the toilet...

There wasn't one speck of dirt or dirtiness on it or anything in here. He just realized how clean Sasuke was, a clean freak.
" I'm living with a possessive clean addict..." Naruto said out loud to his self.

He was afraid to even use the bathroom because he was afraid of Sasuke noticing. Naruto couldn't help but imagine Sasuke confronting him about leaving the toilet seat up.

Naruto slid the bathroom door shut. He just started to undress.

When he started to unfold the The clothes that Sasuke neatly handed him, he realized that they were Sasuke's

Naruto frowned. even though Sasuke was older then him by a few months they was still the same age, but Sasuke was taller then him.

So Naruto knew he wouldn't be able to fit the bastards clothes, at least not the black pants he gave him.

" only one way to find out.."
Naruto began to put the white long sleeve shirt on. It fit...sort of, he had to roll up the sleeves a little and instead of the bottom of the shirt falling to his waist it fell just above his thighs, it barely covered him

Naruto quickly grab the pants and slip them on only for them to slip off him easily, his waist was too small
" d-dammit! "

There was no way for him to keep the paints up on him and unless he was willing to hold it up all day with his hand.
" dumb bastard couldn't just give me some hammy downs!?! "

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