Chapter 2 Idiot Bride💍

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Third POV

Naruto was basically marching down the Uchiha's Territory but the father and father he got into the A banded area the less he wanted to keep going. He didn't understand how Sasuke could still live in a place like this, especially after what happened.

Naruto was definitely creeped out by the place.

As soon as Naruto was about to go through with going back and forgetting about this whole thing and even taking that punch that was waiting for him if he was to come empty handed form Sakura.

He finally came across a still good looking house. Naruto took a step on the pourch, it creeked as he put just a small amount of weight on it. Naruto was sure this was the house Sasuke was living in, there's no way a house with such a Vilent history could still look so good. Naruto somehow found his self touching the repainted house, Naruto just realized that Sasuke was really good at this kind of stuff.
'I wounder if he can fix my widow?' Naruto thought.

Sunddenlly the front door of the house swings open. Luckily Naruto was standing on the side instead of in front of the door because like about four women had came out that seemed to be in a very, very bad mood.
The third that had came walking out, whined and looked back into the house
" But Sasuke~kun, why can't we play just a bit longer~?"

"Right, it isn't like you to cut our time short today, what's the matter hun~??"one of the girls asked

" I'm not in the mood today. So please take your asses home, come back tomorrow and hope i am in the mood!!"
Sasuke slammed his front door shut on the four lady's faces. One of them gasp in shocked
"Oh dare. see Sue, I told you he didn't like it when you said you wanted to Swallow his kids!!"

" oh don't your fat ass try to blame this on me, all we know you did something he didn't like, stupid!!"

One of the smaller girls step in between the two that was about to fight
"Girls, Girls!! You both didn't do anything, He did say to come back tomorrow." The smaller girl said proudly. Both of the girls smiled and nodded there heads.

All four of the girls were so distracted by there selfs that they didn't even notice Naruto standing on the side looking stupid. Naruto couldn't believe it took them ten minutes for them all to agree to leave and plan how to please Sasuke for next time.
Naruto thought he should've just left after they started talking about that a slow ass he sat through it Like a MAN!!!.

Naruto didn't even want to look Sasuke in the face after just hearing all that.
'Might have lost brain cells...' Naruto thought to his self.

Naruto knocked on his best friends door twice and stepped back and waited.

Naruto wasn't even as surprised when the door swings open again.

The first thing that came out of Sasuke' mouth was a rude
When the word slipped out of his mouth he slightly pulled back at realizing it was just Naruto

Naruto arched his eye brow at him
"...Hey, expected someone else?" Naruto asked him

He only frowned and said 'hn'

" why are you being such a asshole, you know it's her birthday-"

He cuts me off by turning around and walking back into his house. He left the door wide open so Naruto guess that was just his way of saying 'come in, dobe'

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