Chapter 5 Pink Tie💍

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Naruto POV

I had threw a fit because I didn't want to wear a white suit so I made sure I didn't act my age, I guess you could say I got what I wanted.

i looked at myself through the mirror. The light grey suit was...nice. My inside shirt was just a white dress shirt. the tie around my neck was pink. i then I just had normal black dress shoes on.

i been in here for at least 8 minutes staring at my self

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i been in here for at least 8 minutes staring at my self. I wasn't going to sit here and lie to my self, i was nervous.

i know, i know. Why am I so nervous, there's no one out there but Shizune and...Sasuke

The old hag was waiting for me outside the dressing room door. She was going to walk me down to Sasuke

' don't tell me I'm nervous because of that bastard? ' I thought to myself.

I frowned and shook my head
" n-no way! I can do this. I bet the bastard is shivering more then I am right now!!" Yelled while looking in the mirror at myself, trying to stay confident as much as possible.

When I heard a knock at the door my heart almost dropped to my stomach

" brat, you been here almost an hour-"

" Ah!? No way I could've taken that long, at least it didn't feel like I did."

" well you need to hurry up and get out here, the Uchiha just threaten to burn the place down if he waits another minute for—"

I swing the door open before she could finish her sentence
" his just over reacting, that bastard can wait. I'm done, anyway. "

" you look Handsome." She began to fix my tie and suit. I push her hands away
" s-stop that. I did it right, dammit."

She grins at me and let her arm hook with mine. She seen I had a confused look on my face and said
" I'm walking you through these double doors like this. Sasuke is on the other side waiting for you."

" ...Sasuke. " i whispered his name quietly, I couldn't help but have a worried look on my face or more like a nervous look Perhaps.

" just look forward, if it helps just look at Sasuke— or is it Sasuke the reason why your so... shaky?"

I pull away from her
" No, I'm just...really cold."
The old hag didn't even looked convinced.

" I know the Uchiha can be a Little intimidating but...just think of the reason why you fell in love with him."

I held myself back from turning blue
' I could think of 5 reasons why i hate him. ' I thought to myself

" what if that don't work?"

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