Chapter 4 Women💍

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Third POV

Naruto knew he was annoying the hell out of Sasuke by following him back to his home.

Even though Sasuke never looked back at Naruto, who was behind him. He still knew he was the one following behind him like a lost goose.

It annoyed him because he was tired and didn't feel like talking or dealing  with the idiot right now. He let him follow behind him by not saying a word to him.
Naruto on the other hand had the most Energy in the world, he was happily smiling and practically skipping behind Sasuke. Naruto did it on purpose...

Because like I said before, Naruto knew he was annoying the hell out of Sasuke. He most likely was just waiting for the bastards to tell him to 'fuck off'

But 15 minutes had pass and they we're more then half way in the Uchiha's Territory, and this bothered Naruto. He no longer had a smile on his face.
Naruto was at least 10 feet away from Sasuke when he finally called his name

Sasuke didn't say anything but kept walking.
So Naruto got a little louder
" Sasuke!?"

Sasuke snapped his head back to glare at the loud idiot behind him.
" stop yelling here, dumbass."

" I don't wanna be here, can you take me home?" Naruto asked quietly.
Sasuke turn his full body toward him. " why did you follow me, take your self home."
Naruto frowned at him
" I don't know, I was being stupid..." Naruto began to look around his surroundings. It was dark and he just realized...that he couldn't really see anything and last time he checked he wasn't really familiar with the place like Sasuke was. "...please, Sasuke."

Sasuke smirked at realizing something " Are you scared, dobe?"

" N-No way!" Naruto quickly replied

" then you have two choices. Keep following me or take your self home." Sasuke said.

Naruto began to walk over to Sasuke, closing the distance between them. Naruto grabbed Sasuke's hand and tugged like a little child. " don't be a asshole right now, I'm serious. Just take me to the exit..." Naruto looked behind him with a gulp, all he could see was darkness.
" you could at least do that—"
before Naruto could finish, Sasuke gripped on his hand and pulled him toward him
" ah! arms are short. that hurts, bastard." Naruto whined, trying to pull his hand out from Sasuke's tight grip.
" stop struggling, dobe. If Your going to be scared like a little girl, then I will treat you like one..."
naruto finally snatched his hand away from him " I'm not a girl!! You think this is funny, don't you?!"

" Hn."

" fine!! Your so stupid. I'll walk myself!!" 

Naruto began to walk off cluelessly without thinking twice.

Next Day Third POV

Sasuke slowly walked up the few rusty stairs to get to the Uzumaki's front door.
When he made it to the door that he believed to be Naruto's, he knocked at least twice but there was no answer.

He frowned and knocked harder. Sasuke was not in the mood for yelling at the moment, so either the dobe was going to open the door in five seconds or he was going break it open.
He really didn't have the patience for anything today.

Sasuke grabbed the door knob a twisted it. When it clicked open he was a little surprised that it was unlocked. He pushed the door open to find the small home was trash. All Sasuke could think was it was a break In. But once Sasuke step further in, he turned his head to see A soundless, asleep, idiot on a small mattress that was on the floor.

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