Chapter 11, Pt 1, Romantic 💍

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A/N I'm so sorry for skipping last month update, i been really busy with school, catching up on my grades and on life. Forgive me and enjoy the chapter until next time 💖

Sasuke POV
It's been almost three weeks by time we finished the mission, and started heading back to the village.

It was a long travel away from home and during it, we all barley had any proper sleep. we were all tired, hungry, and bruised up.

It was hours later when we actually arrived, only to be greeted by other ninjas and random villagers, to congrats our Success back home.
everyone; as in ever female was in my face telling me how great and brave I was for going, they didn't even know what the mission was about. And that made me all the more want to just push them aside while showing I was clearly annoyed by them.

but before I could actually go through with that thought, I almost held my breath when I caught myself looking around, expecting see a certain someone to just pop out the crowd of girls with his messy blond hair, that clearly wasn't going to happen. To think the one person that I actually wanted to see, that I actually looked forward to seeing when coming annoying as shit.

I quickly brush off the feeling of disappointment and push pass the girls that were in my way. I brought the souvenir, which was a scroll, which I had no idea what was in it, which pissed me off even more since I had to go through hell to get it and through hell again to get it back here.

following the strict orders, I did what I was told. I made my way to her office to drop it off and of course I was a little bit impatient.
But thankfully soon after that...I was home free.


Minutes went by when I finally was unlocking my front door and I was surprised that my house still looked intact, but also surprised that it was quiet, too quiet.

I walked into the living room
"...Naruto?" I Said looking around
There was no sign of him anywhere.
I was beginning to think he might have left but then again the front door was locked and I don't remember forging a extra key for him.

"...Sasuke, your home!!"
I heard a loud but familiar voice coming from behind me.
I didn't even get the chance to turn before I was tackled to the wall.
Being tightly hugged from behind, I could feel Naruto's (assuming that who it was hugging me from behind) head pressing against right in the middle of my shoulder blades.

" I been bored out of my mind and...and I kinda missed you..."

"Naruto...,you idiot what-"

" not even going to say it back, how dare you ruin the moment."he said sounding playful

" Hn...I'm touched that you missed me, but you could at least let me see your face then..."

" Oh right."

He lets go of me.
when I turned around, the first thing that caught my eye was his hair. the blonde bangs that usually covered his forehead was pinned back with two little pins, that cross each other. And he had a black shirt shirt? it was clearly too big for him. The sleeves were rolled up, and if I didn't know any better it almost looked like he didn't have anything under the shirt.

I frowned to myself. have he been walking around like that all day, what if someone would have came in beside me.

" what are you doing?" I asked looking at him up and down.
This makes him frown as well. He looks down at his self then looks back up at me with his lips perked out.
"Hey, my clothes gotten dirty. I didn't know how to use that dumb washer, and you had plenty of clothes to spear so..."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2020 ⏰

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