Chapter 9, Be Home By Ten💍

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I been going through a lot these past few days, so I didn't feel like editing this, If I have anything miss spelled in this chapter feel free to let me know in the comments and I will fix it right away.💋

Sasuke POV
It was a loud Banging noise that woke me from my sleep. I heard it loud and clear the first time, but I just ignored it. Then the second time I just frowned, making my eye brows squeeze together tightly. After the third time I just had enough of loud noise. My eyes shot opened.
I thought it was maybe Naruto making all that noise, but then I realize That it was my front door. Someone was banging on my door?

It kinda surprised me. It wasn't often that I get visitors, the only people that really took the time to see me was Sakura and Naruto. Knowing the fact that Naruto lives with me, and that I clearly scared off Sakura for at least a week. it made me wonder who else could be at the door.

I got up slowly, taking my time. Before I reached the door I made sure to glance over to the clock, it was ten in the morning. Which wasn't even bad it was actually odd, for a early bird I would always automatically wake up around eight.

I unlocked my door and opened it.
" what?" I sounded a little grumpy and rude. The first thing I saw was green, a tight ass jump suit as well.
And of course It had to be lee who was at my door.

" Uchiha, Tsunade told me that Naruto live here now I would have never guess you would agreed to such a thing-"

"...what?" I said interrupting him mid-sentence.

" what?" He said quickly after me

" she told you what?"

" oh!! well I went by Naruto's old place, I seen that all his stuff was missing, and so was he, so the first thing I thought was that he got kidnapped so I reported it to the Hokage then she said-"

" I don't need the whole damn story." I said, sounding very pissed off. For one, I didn't like how people would just randomly show up at my place. And knowing lee and his big ass mouth he was certainly going to tell the whole village about Naruto living with me.

And knowing the fact that Naruto is practically friends with every single person in this village, just tells me, whenever someone  wants to hang out with Naruto they would have to come here, knocking at the door, trespassing, and pissing me off at the same time.

" Bushie-brows, is that you!?"
I heard Naruto's loud voice behind me. I didn't bother looking behind me but I could feel him walking up.

I stared at Lee's changed face as he spotted Naruto behind me.
I didn't know what was running through Lee's head when he stepped his foot in my home
but as soon as he did, I frowned and stepped forward and placed my hand gently on the middle of his chest, then before he knew it I sent a shock through out his body that sent him flying off my porch.

I stepped back and slammed my door shut.

" What the hell!! Sasuke, What was that for!?" Naruto yelled

I glared at him. I was starting to regret everything. Maybe having a random women was better then this, at least she wouldn't bring unexpected company at my doorstep.

" he knows you live here now. It won't be long until people get the talking about why you're here." I said

" So what!?" Naruto continue to yell in my face, as he tried to get pass me to leave.

" So, he talks too damn much!" I grabbed Naruto's unzipped jacket that he was wearing " ...make sure he doesn't tell the whole damn village, idiot!!"

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