Chapter 3 The Ring💍

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Sasuke felt like he was chasing the idiot for a long ass time but he knew his fat ass friend was going to get tired of running and eventually slow down.

Naruto on the other hand was already tired but he knew whatever awaited him if he was to slow down was going to be much worse then the burning pain in his side stomach. He was sure he was losing belly fat now.

Naruto wasn't even paying attention on where he was running to. He just saw two double doors in front of him and one angry Uchiha behind him. And without thinking twice Naruto bust through the doors out of breath and practically almost falling to his knees.

" what the hell, brat!?!"

Right when Naruto heard the hags voice he suddenly feel a hand grab the back of his neck painfully and he instantly knew it was Sasuke. Naruto put his hands up to make a upper case T sign with his hands
" A-Alright, you Time...out."

Sasuke glared holes on the side of the Uzamaki's face
" idiot, if you say time out again, I will stick my—"

Lady Tsunade slammed her hand on her desk, almost breaking it again. She finally got both of their attention
" ...what are you brats doing in here!?"

Sasuke didn't realize that the dobe just lead them right in the hags offices. He let's go of Naruto but still kept the same pissed off look on his face.

Sasuke cleared his throat before he began to talk.
" I came to tell you I found a bride."

Tsunade face turn into a surprise look " oh really now? I thought it would take you longer to come around but I guess, I was wrong." She said to Sasuke " tell me, who's the lucky girl?" She asked him

Sasuke tried his best to not show a smug look on his face. He kept his face emotionless and calm when he said the name "...Naruto."
He watched as the old lady before him frown and eyes go a little wide, she stood up slowly.
She looked hella pissed
" this isn't a time for jokes, Uchiha."

" No it's true, hag..." Naruto said breaking in between the two " I'm...—I mean we really are getting married." Naruto said

Tsunade only narrowed her eyes at Naruto. She didn't believe they were serious, she had multiple reasons why they couldn't be serious that they couldn't
She went around her desk to lean up against it to be right in front of them both. She looked back and forth between them
" so you mean to tell me your both gay?" She asked them

" ..uh."

" yes." Sasuke said right over his friend that just hesitated. Sasuke tried his best not to look at Naruto because he knew he was going to glare at him for being so stupid, and that was going to easily give them away.

Tsunade tilt her head to the side at Naruto
" he propose to you, right? What made you say yes?"

Sasuke glanced over at Naruto, and Naruto almost looked like he was panicking in his shoes.

' Serve him right for running off. If he would have listened to me he wouldn't be panicking right now ' Sasuke thought to himself.

" well um..." Naruto started off "... I sorta already had a crush on him since...I was little, since we had that first kiss in the classroom." Naruto said. Just by thinking about that day almost turn him blue but he sucked it up and continued " when he left the team I was so heart broken I used Sakura as a excuse to not give up on...bringing Sasuke back here because really I...I...I love..."
Naruto just couldn't get his self to say it, not to Sasuke.
'That' gay.'Naruto thought in his head.

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