Chapter 10, The Kimono 💍

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A/N Happy Thanks Giving!!! (Yea I know I'm like two days late😤)  I got 4000+ words in this chapter, I did not plan this, the original word count is 2000 but please do enjoy, until next time💋

Naruto POV
I pulled the clothes all the way out.

When I dropped it back into the bag I turned to Sasuke
"I-...this possible can't be for me..." I said out loud. he had to be playing some kind of joke on me. There was no way. The fabric on the shirt alone felt expensive.

" who else is it for then, no one else lives here wear a size S but you?" He says in a teasing tone.

I turned red in embarrassment.

"How dare you bring my clothing size into this...besides, don't you think getting me some clothes with you clan sign on the back is going to raise some eyebrows..." I asked in as I whispered the last part.

" wear it in the house then, pussy cat. "

I was going to start up my child like temper in that very room. but i forced myself to ignore the insult and the urge to punch the bastards face in.

with a frown still painted on my face, I looked down at another bag on the bed.
"...what's in that one?" I asked without looking up at Sasuke.

" don't worry about it." He snatched the bag before I could reach for it.

I frowned at him.
" why the hell cant I know what's in that bag!" I yelled.

" it's not yours, so why bother worrying about it idiot."

I couldn't help but let out a whine
"'re making it seem like it's some big secret or something, now I'm wondering what it is even more."

I watched as Sasuke threw the bag in his closet, and to my surprised, he put a lock on it. At least I know whatever it is, it isn't fragile.

" well keep wondering." He said to me

Who hell puts a lock on there closet door anyway, i thought to my self

" don't touch it." He said eyeing me down

" ima do more then touch it, I might even pick at it." I said with a grin.

" I mean it Naruto."

" ...I mean it too." I said in a low whisper. But he glared at me indicating that he heard me loud and clear.

I wave my hand in the air " fine, fine. im not touching it, wouldn't even dream of it." I said with a fake innocent smile across my face.

I watched Sasuke eyes moved down to the clothes that he just bought me. He looked like he was in deep thought before he spoked up again.
" Maybe you could wear it when I go see my parents..." he said, now walking towards the dresser.

" ... your parents?" I asked out loud.
It took me a while for me to put two and two together, but I came to the conclusion that he was planning on taking me with him one day.

Sasuke glances over his shoulder at me
" there graves, I visit them at least once a month." I heard him whisper

I was kinda shocked, maybe even more then that. I never thought that Sasuke would think to bring me along to something like this.

" fold your clothes and put it here, understand?" Sasuke said, leaving the drawer wide open for me.

I did what he said and folded the clothes.

few minutes had past when I found myself starring at Sasuke while he sat on the bed, leaning his back on the headboard. he sat there with his fingers crossed, while those rested on his now crossed legs. He looked like he was lost in thought again.

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