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Tom had just sat down with his morning coffee when Harrison bursted through the door. Tom didn't jump, but his eyes quickly looked up at his best friend, who was fuming with anger. "You fucking paid that shit!?" Harrison shouted.

Tom looked at his watch. "Good morning to you too Haz." Tom smirked leaning back in his chair. He played with a tennis ball, throwing it up in the air and watching it come back down into his palm. 

Harrison's jaw clenched. "This is serious, what did she have to do? The sex can't be that good."

"What the fuck did you just say?" Tom's eyebrows furrowed. "Who the fuck do you think you are coming into my fucking office and yelling like a fucking idiot?!" He stood up and came around his desk. Harrison was slightly taller than Tom, but Tom had bested him many times before. 

Harrison scoffed. "You don't see it do you? She's playing you mate. Had Johnathan working for her right under our noses." He wet his lips and turned to look out the window. Unlike Y/n's office, Tom's was in his house, away from everything homely, but still in his house. "Now you pay what Otello owed to them, those pathetic excuses of mobsters. 

It all happened in seconds, but Tom's fist was connecting with Harrison's jaw. He never wanted to hurt his friend, but Harrison often pushed his buttons to make him go there. He hated every word that left his mouth when he spoke of you, it was like he resented you. "I paid that shit because I wanted to keep the peace, what we are working on is much to big of a deal for her or her father to interfere." His chest heaving from the adrenaline pumping through his veins. 

Touching his body lip, Harrison panted and looked at Tom. His jaw clenched again, glaring knives into the other mans brown eyes. "Fuck it!" He threw his hands up in defeat. Harrison walked back out the door he'd busted through. 

Tom was left, jaw clenching, fist closed, staring at the closed door, thinking of his next move. 

"Haha yes!" Y/n's father spun in his chair. "My favorite child." He called as she had walked in upon his request. 

Her head tilted to the side in question of what he meant. She sported her pale pink power suit, with a dark red lipstick. "Yes father?" She said confidently. 

Her father got up from his chair. "The Hollands paid Otello's dues, apparently you made them change their minds." 

Y/n gave a small smile, "I shot one of their men in the ass." She smirked thinking back to Johnathan rolling around on the ground. The gun shot was loud and no doubt the neighbors heard it, but she would get away with it because it's so easy to pay off cops. 

Her father raised an eyebrow. "Hmm the Hollands must be getting weaker, something like that would never scare them." He was now standing in front of his daughter. "Let's take a walk." He said holding his arm out for her. 

Y/n swallowed and linked arms with her father. Even with her stiletto heels, she couldn't be as tall as him, her father. Ever so slightly the most intimidating man she'd ever come to know. Fear wasn't something Y/n had a lot of, but if any it was fear for him. 

They walked on the pathway to the beautiful garden just outside the house. Y/n had grown up in the house and she knew it very well, every crack, every scuff, every hiding place that she needed to know. There were garden keepers tending to the neat garden. 

"Is something wrong little one?" He said. He was looking up at the clear blue sky. 

"No father, why would you think that?" Her smokey eyes narrowed in confusion. Their feet had stopped and she had let go of her fathers arm. 

I Can Only Adore You • Mob!Tom Holland AUWhere stories live. Discover now