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Sunshine beamed down in the garden, blinding those who looked at it. It was fairly warm outside and a great day to be outdoors. Y/n sat on the picnic blanket, staring at the blue sky. The tiny giggles of her daughter filled her ears making her smile. She watched in awe as the almost 4 year old jumped around, hiding behind trees. She looked a mix of Tom and Y/n, brown hair with kinky curls, brown eyes, mix of Tom's and Y/n's complexion. Giggles erupted in a fit from the child as she had been caught in the little game of hide and seek. 

Tom grabbed his daughter with laughter. "You can't hide from me sweetheart!" He pressed a kiss to her head before she bolted off. 

"Mummy!"She screamed as Tom caught up to her again lifting her from the ground. "You're okay Vic." Y/n laughed as Victoria, their daughter, pouted. 

Tom chuckled taking them to the picnic blanket. He was dressed in casual clothing as was Y/n, who sported a sundress. He sat down with Victoria in his lap as she had grabbed some toys to play with. Victoria loved her father very much, she looked up to him and Y/n. Tom spoiled the 4 year old, gave her everything she could ever ask for under the sun. Y/n often thought Tom spoiled her too much, but Tom thought otherwise. He could never spoil his little angel too much. 

"How's my beautiful wife?" He mumbled placing a soft kiss on her cheek. Y/n hummed with a small smirk. "Amazing." She giggled before looking down at their other daughter who was one. "Ari's making my legs numb." Tom laughed at the sleeping girl, his other angel. 

Tom played with Victoria and her toy's for a while until she was knocked out. "I'll go put her down for her nap." Tom got up, putting her so her head would lay on his shoulder. Y/n smiled and nodded. "Then I'll come back and get Ari love." Tom did as he said and put Vic down for her nap in her large princess themed room, then came back for Ari and put her in her room. 

"You want more day's like this?" She asked him as he came and sat next to her again. Her stomach hadn't achieved a bump yet, but she knew exactly what was coming. Tom smiled pressing kisses to her shoulder. "You know I am."

Y/n rolled her eyes, trying to hide her smile. "I think it's your goal to get me pregnant every chance you have." 

Tom pursed his lips. "So what? Can't I love my wife and want lots of children by her?" His head dipped down into the crook of her neck, nipping at the skin.

"Four Tom! We are stopping at four." She giggled pushing him away. 

Tom put his hands up in understanding. "Okay fine, whatever." He went back to kissing Y/n's neck. They fell onto their backs and Tom took the opportunity to bring her closer and to have access to her mouth. The kiss they shared was passionate, fire burning. Tom couldn't help but to touch every single body part he could. Starting with her waist then drifting down to slap her ass gently. Y/n pulled away with a small gasp and scowl. 

"Tommy baby, the girls could wake up from their nap." Y/n reminded him as he groped her breast and sucked marks on her collarbones. "And we are literally outside."

Tom smirked placing one last kiss to her lips. "When has that ever stopped you?"

Y/n's eyes widened and she shoved Tom. "You're such a dick." She laughed getting up. "I didn't say we couldn't, I just said not here." Her eyes where temptation and Tom fell for it every time. "Are you coming?" Her voice as innocent as can be. 

Tom licked his lips chasing her inside the mansion. 


"Are all of you fucking stupid?!" Tom yelled at his men who sat at the long wooden table. They were now both Y/n's and Tom's men. Emilia, Harry, Sam, and Tuwaine all had command over groups or mobsters, but Tom and Y/n were King and Queen. "I don't know why you cannot follow simple fucking instructions!" Y/n added. 

I Can Only Adore You • Mob!Tom Holland AUWhere stories live. Discover now