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"There's my daughter!" Y/n's father chimed as she walked into his room. He was sat up in the bed while the in-home nurse took care of him. She was checking his blood pressure when Y/n had walked in, her face without emotion. "Nurse, could you leave us?" The female nurse nodded gracefully leaving the room. "Did Travis buy that for you?" The first thing he noticed was the diamond rock on her finger. 

Y/n stood in the entrance way to her fathers bedroom. She hated the room, she hated the design, the decor, and most of all she hated him. "No, I brought it myself." She answered his question. "Why did you call me here? What do you want?" She asked of her own. 

"Everything has to be about business doesn't it?" He scoffed lighting a cigarette. He wasn't supposed to be smoking, but who cared about the rules, not mobsters. "You hate me?" It came out more of a statement than a question. 

Y/n said nothing as she stared at her father. Even causal she was dressed in her typical jumpsuit, this one radiating navy blue with a gold belt around the waist. "I do." Her words came out sharply, meant to stab at the older man. 

He nodded taking another breath of his cigarette. "You don't understand the sacrifices I've made for you, girl." His words hit her harder, demeaning, and frightening. "What I've given up so you could have this life."

"But yet you give it away so easily." Y/n let him say no more. "You talk about your sacrifices, but what about mine?" She bellowed. "What about mine father?!"

Her father became agitated, almost angry, but not yet. "Remember who you are talking to." He said it a fairly calm voice, so calm that Y/n shut her mouth to listen for once. "You will not come into my house and speak to me that way." He put the cigarette in the ash tray on his bedside table. "You hate me for a contract I could not control."

Her eyebrows raised in confusion. "What do you mean you couldn't control?" Her tone had dropped as her father sighed into his hand, wiping his graying beard. "What do you mean?!" She repeated, this time more demanding. She began to feel afraid when she saw the red in her fathers eyes, they were beginning to get glossy. 

"Your mother was the reasoning for the contract." Y/f/n finally broke down. It terrified Y/n for she had not seen her father even carry a tear. Ever. "I thought I could save her with the contract, thought she'd be safe."

Y/n's bottom lip quivered, but kept her voice strong. "My mother died in a car accident." She said, more to her self to make it the truth, but even she could see that this was not the truth. Her mother didn't die in a mishandled car accident, she was murdered. 

Y/n was only a child when her mother died, woken up in the middle of the night by Gwendolyn to hear that her mother was dead. She would never hear her sweet voice again, never hug her again, never see her again. Y/n thought of her mother as everything, she loved her to death and was the most torn by her lost, remembering hating her father because he didn't cry for her at the funeral, but it seems now he was making up for lost tears. 

"What happened to her?" She swallowed the thick lump in the back of her throat. "Did you kill her?" Her tone was accusing, wanting to blame someone for her mothers death.

He simply shook his head, staring out the window to the lake behind the garden. "Travis's father, Lincoln Taylor, was in love with your mother, she was to be engaged to me at the time, but we loved each other, always." He paused getting lost in the nature outside. "He became jealous of us even so after he had his first child, Travis, with his hand selected bride, and we had just had you." Y/n blinked back the tears coming forward. "For years he carried that grudge before he finally realized he had enough power in the mob to do something about it, so he threatened to kill your mother if we didn't sign you away."

I Can Only Adore You • Mob!Tom Holland AUWhere stories live. Discover now