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It was a nice evening for Y/n, she had just married the love of her life, but she couldn't help but worry. Tom smiled over at her from the table, coming to greet his new wife yet again with a kiss to the lips. She smiled, one of her realist smiles as she cuddled into his chest. Screams and gunshots started to echo throughout the event hall. He pulled away from her, both of them drawing their guns from a secret spot. A scream pierced the air, her scream. Blood trickled down his face. His head caught a flying bullet. Tears welled up in her eyes as she watched him drop dead to the floor. Then she heard the clocking of a gun. "Your turn bitch." The males voice echoed through her mind. 

Y/n sat up, panting, shaking, and sweating like crazy. She was wheezing, not crying exactly, but she couldn't breathe. She finally took a moment to calm down, it made her realize her surroundings. She was in Tom's bedroom, she could always tell by the way the darkness seeped in. Tom wasn't in the bed, nor was he in the bedroom at all. "Tessa." She smiles as the grayish black pit-bull jumps onto the bed. "Where's Tom?" Her voice softer for the dog, she felt silly doing it, but Tessa was a sweet dog. Tessa wagged her tail and licked Y/n's hand. "Okay." Y/n chuckled, she slipped her legs out of the bed. Standing up she stretched, cracking her bones and walking to the bathroom to wash her hands. She washed up and started to go through Tom's dresser to find a shirt, she'd worn nothing to bed and now she was cold. Her fingers wrapped around one of his plain white t-shirts. Throwing it on she made her way around the house. The cool tiles felt good on her bare feet as she walked straight down to his office. 

Tom argued into the phone with his father. Dom was pushing him rather harshly to buyout the Y/l/n's. "No father, I know you understand that it isn't as easy as you think it is!" Tom yelled into the phone. He ran a hand through his messy curls. "Are you raising your voice at me Thomas!" Dom yelled back through the phone. "No dad I'm not, I'm just saying I understand that they've been thriving ever since the Otello business." Tom sighed. His head turned when he heard the door open. "I'm giving you a month Thomas, and that's generous, get it done." Tom rolled his eyes and hung up, throwing his phone on his office couch. 

"That seemed exciting." Y/n closed the door, walking over to him. "I could hear you all the way on the other side of the door." His toned arms instinctively wrapped around her body, pulling her impossibly closer. "Aren't you gonna kiss me now Holland?" She smirked, their lips were so close she could feel his breath. 

He shook his head with a small chuckle. "You're such a bloody tease." He wet his lips, moving his hands up to cup her face. The way he leaned into her was so slow, so sensual, so right and wrong. His lips danced with hers, she tasted like minty toothpaste, most likely his. She kept a toothbrush at his home for several reasons. He didn't kiss her long. He found himself pulling back, staring at her beauty, her dressed in nothing but his shirt, her plump pinkish-red lips already a little swollen from their kiss. Her doe eyes looked up at him with the innocence he knew she didn't have. 

Y/n licked her lips, just to get a rise out of him. Before she knew it she was getting pulled to his couch, she had fallen perfectly on his lap. Their lips connecting once again in a fiery passion that burned throughout both of them. Her fingers wormed their way through his messy brown curls, effectively pulling a deep groan from him. She pulled away, only to smash her lips back against his. 

Tom grazed his hands under the shirt, his fingertips tracing over the long tattoo down her side. Tom loved tracing it, it was so hot to see her, his sexy girl, tatted up. The roses on her side wasn't the only tattoo she had, she had several more. Each and everyone of them had the capability alone to turn Tom on. 

Their kiss was interrupted by the faint ringing of Tom's phone next to them. "Mmh- fuck?" Tom pulled away. He looked down at the phone's screen, rolling his eyes when he saw the ID. He declined the call. His face going into the crook of Y/n's neck to places kisses and mark her. The annoying tone started to ring again, this time seeming only louder. "What the fuck do you want?" Tom growled, running his hand through his hair. 

I Can Only Adore You • Mob!Tom Holland AUWhere stories live. Discover now